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Notice of Draii Lening. V0T1CE IS HEREBY GI VEN. That T. Daniel L1 w . Barry, Coumy Draln Oommiss'oner of be County of Waslftenaw, State of ttlchiiran, vill. outhe 24th day oí May, A. I). 18M, ar he lower end of Ditch ia the township of aline, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon of hut day, proceed to receivo bids for the ■onstruotion of a certain draln known and designated as "the Saline Ri ver Drain," looated o the said townsblps of Saline and Bridgewa ter, and described as foliows, to-wit : Comtnencingon the town line between Saine and Bridsewater, 20 chains N. of the S. W corner of seotion 18. town 4, S of range 6 1, running thence N 88 degrees. E 13obalns. theuee N :S2 degrees, E 23.50, thence S 8 desree. E 6 50 ehains, thence S 80 degrees, E 4 chains, thence N 50 degrees, E 12 chains, thence N 64 descrees, E 5 chain3. thence N 69 iegrees, E 9 chaina, thence N 6') degrees, E 10 jhalns, thence N 47 degrees, E 25 chains, henee N 73 degrees, E 8 chains, thence N 75 Iegrees, E 20 ohaios, thence N Pfi desrees, E f chains. thence N 30 degrees, E 18 chains, ihence N 19 degrees, east 12 chains, thence H 11 degrees, K 9 chains, thence Si degrees E 13 chains, thonce N' 17 degrees, E 1 chains. thence N 68 degreea, E 22 chains, thence N 41 Iegrees, E 12 chains. Said drain is to be 12 ft. wide on bottom from lower end u to the east line of land owned byjohn Layer, the balance to be 8 it. wide, Total lensfth of draiu JlOrods. Stiid job will be let by sections. Thesectioa at the outlet of the draiu will be let first, and the remalning in their order up stream, in accordance with the diagram now on file with the other papers Dertaiuins tosaid Irulo, Ui the Offioe of the ComniLssioner, to whicli reference mar be had by all parties interestedana bids will be made and received Kcordlngly. Oontracts will be tuade with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate securtty for the performance of the work ín a snm then and there to be flxed by me, reservng to myself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of such contract, and the terms ot payment therefor, shall be announcedat the time and place of lettins. Notice is further hereby given. That at the time and place of said lettins, or at such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Dram Commissioner aforeóaid, may adjourn the same, the assessments for benetlts and the lands co-nprised within the "Saline River Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The toüowing is a description of the several tracts or pareéis of land constittlting the Special Assessmeut District of said drain. viz: Saline Township: S W M N W %, Sec. 9; V U E ' N E ü sec. 8: w yt N E V4 sec. 8; W y, S E v4 sec. 8; NM'WtN E % sec. 17; E S E M sec 8; 0 a E side N end E !4 part of S E ' x S W !i sec. 8: that part of E ' N w 14 sec. 17, east of hijrhway. 8 a; that part E side N W '4 N W (4 which lies soutli of ditch, N and W part W J4 N W 14 sec. 17: 12 a ou north end of that part E ' N W Ji sec. 17, which Hes west of highway; SWüNE's sec. 17; N W N W V4 N E U sec 19; 16 a west side KEHNI J4 sec. 19; N W 14 N vv ü sec. 19; NW"4SE 14 sec 18: S E H. S W H sec. 18; N E % N Vv J sec. 19; S W Va S E H sec. 18; 3U a N end S W 4 N W X sec. 17; 10 a S end E y2 N W ü sec. 17, which lies west of hijrhway : S 30 a of W % W lA N E ü sec. 18; 10 a east side of IV 18 a of 8 U E" % N W H sec. 18; W '. S W X sec. 18; N E tt S W H sec. IS; E % W % N E sec. 18: W v. E '. NEüKE't sec. 18; 32 a il W part of S É ü N E ü sec. 18; that part. west of ditch W '4 S W 14 sec. 17: that pait E of di ch W y, S W J4 sec. 17; 8 a S E corner E 'i N E (4 sec. 18: 10 a S end W % of N W sec. 17: lOaStndSW '4 N E 14 Sec. 17; 10 a N end KWWSIU sec. 17; wyE 54 W H N E i sec. 18; S E k S E Ü sec. 5; N Vt E y, E H N E k sec. 8 8 Vi S % E Y, N E Ja sec. 8. Bridsewater township: N E N E 14 sec 24: 10 a S eod S E 14 S E H sec. 13: N E S E i sec. 13: S E 10 acres of K % N E U sec. 13; N W H S E J4 sec 13: S W % 3 E 54 sec. 13; N 30 a S E V4 S E S sec. 13: S E h N E X sec. 24: and also the towushipsof Saline and Bridgewater at large. Dated, this seventh day of Muy, A. D. 1894. DANIEL W. BARRY, County Draiu Commissioner of the County of Washteuaw EáipUnd & Iralis No. IS N. Fourth Ave. AU work, such as House, Sign, Ornamenta"! and Fresco Painting, gilding, calcimining, giazing and paper hanging done in tiie best style and warranted togive satisfacúon. Mr. Kraus will also continue to devote time to conducting aurtion sales. DR. D. M. FISHER, vmwT imm m bentist Gradúate of Ontario Veterlnary College. All dlseases of Domesticated Animáis Sclentlfically treated. Calis proinptly attuded to day or uight. Office. Bobinson's Liveiy, S. Fourth Ave.. Ann Arbor Miel.. ju ELECTRIC TELEPHONEc!-AlJ Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adaptad FLli' to City. Villageor Country. Needed in eveir HnLfl home. shop, store and office. Greatest convenLyxL ence an(j best selleronearth. TSriV Agent mahf from 85 to J5 per aay. lH'"'!! One in a residence means a sale to all ths Q I neirfibors. Fine instrumenta, no toys, worln Z y nnj-where, any distance. Complete, ready lor T use when shipped. Can be put np by any one, J never out of order, no repainnK, lasts a lile Ij time. Warranted. A money maker, rite 1 - JU W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus, a DR. LABIDEU'S FKENCH FEMALEPILLS NEVER FAIL. Safe and sure. Used 30 years. Try ttiem aftcr failing with Pennyroyal or Tansy Pilis. Sciledíi.oo. Address Dr.C.M.JENNISON,BayCity,Mich. To Contractors and Builders. THE BUILDING CÜMMTTTEEof the Board of Supervisors of Wasbtenaw County offer for sale, at a reasonable prioe, all the broken and unbroken stoues iu the county stoue yard on the corner of Ashiey atid West Ann streeis. The erreattr part of the stone is broken. aod especially suited for groutiug mirposes. Tliere ure from fourto six cords of broken stone, anrt two to three of unbroken. Will be sold by the loart. or otherwise, asdesired. Apply'to the undersigned, local meniber of the committee, at the Attous office. ROBEBT SHANNOF. Ann Arboh, April 20, 1894. tf W. S MOORE, TT7"ltTrWTg?Tl Work done in all XMJCmÍM X J.3 X ■ forms of modern deotiatry. Urown and Bridge work a apecialty SaLisiaction Guaranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 57 South Main Stoei, M AM, ÏU


Ann Arbor Argus
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