Resolutions Concerning Mr. Noble

Our friend aml brother, Adelbert L. Noble has gsuned inmortality. Death carne sud den, swift an l unexpected. From the storms of lile, tie jjains 01 the body, ih e carea o business, the ceaseless activltyof perforralng duty, the strugfrle against error and evil- which nod men rnustever make- the change Ih a blessed one fcr him, to tlu Kalm, the ev.ilasting joy, the peacé and loveof heaven We, the Official Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Ann Arbor. desire to expresa our profound sorrow at this loss to the Church, and, at the severance of our business relations, lor Brother Noble's constant atteudance, good counsel, willlngness to do bis part, and ahle way of carrylng forward the plans, made him a most valued member GreaUy will he be inissed in the church work as wel) as in the city and community Such public spirlled men, whoby example so honor the Master and the church, are too scarce and hardly can be spared. The succesa of his life, Inspires us and helps, wbile it rerainds us that lifeisvery brief, death vtry sudden, and the work very greatfor us to do. His 4G years compled his work, even wlnle we considered it Dutjusl begun. But the Divine Father had greáter work for him and has taken him from amongst us. Therefore Resolved, That in the departure of our fellow-member, Brother Adelbert L. Noble, the Methodist Episcopal Church o! Ann Arbor has suffered the severe loss of a true friend, large heaned, of tender sympathies and kindly appreciation ; the Official Board a most beloved associate and active member; and religión the loss oía worthy exemplar. Resolved, that the Official Board desire to xpress their sympathy wltn the bereaved famlly of the deceased, and that a copy ol these resolutions be transmitted to sister A. L. Noble, and transcnbed on the church records Ann Arbor, 23d May, 1894. BV TUK WEISLEYAN GUIL1). The Wesleyan Guild Corporation in its short history is for a seconu time called to suffer the loss by dealh of one of its most useful and devoled trust' ■■. We, his colleagues and friends, desire to express our high esteetn and warm affection for uur late brother, A. L. Noble, who suddenly departed this Ufe on Saturday, May 19, We can scarcely refrain from giving expression to the thought uppermost in our minds that the best d worthiest are taken away fiom us. Brother Noble was universally estemed as an honorable, public-spirited cittzen; and those who had the good fortune to know ini intiniately, as aChristian gentlemen of are courtesv, exeeptional judginent and disnterested friendship. The Weslyan Guild Corporation, the liurch, and the eutire community have uftered a great losss In the death of this steemed citizen. Bnt this loss is nothlnf? ompared to thatwhich has suddenlycorae ) his happy household and nearest kindred Ve pray eamestly for the blessing of .Imighty God upon them. Now their sufferïg is most poignant, but his memory can nly grow greener as the years weao away Resolved, That we convey to the famiiy of ur brother our most sincere sympathy aud mdolence. "í.That this minute be spread upon ie records of the Trustees of thu Weslvan uild Corporation. -May 20, [f
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
A. L. Noble
Adelbert L. Noble