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I OFFICIAL."! I 0OÜNC1I CHAMBEH. I Axs akbok, May 21, lt-94. Regular session. The Council was called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Full board present. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. MAYOR'S Ofi-ice, City of ann akhoh. May 21. 1894. Tlie followiixt eommunication has been - ceived from Welen Post, Dept. Mich ,G. A K. : Hon.Cyrenus G. Darling, Mayor of Aun Arbor. Vuch Respecled Slr-By order of W-lch Post Dept Midi., (.. A. R.,ve have been directed to reNpectfullyask that yon by otlicial proclamar tlon cali Mpon the business men of the city requesting them to close their respective places of business from 4 o'clock to 4 o'cloek on Wednesday, May SOth. 1S94. in order that all who wlsh may be permltted to join in the public memorial services at that time. and to the eud that proper respect muy beshown to the day aud the occasion. Very Reepecnully, Wm, K cim.ns. II. 1'. Dankortii. Commander. Adjutant. In accordance with the above request, I, Cyrenue G Darling, Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor, respeetfully reqnest tbat all places of business be elosed on Wednesday, the oUth day of May. Ls94. between the hours of i o'clock and 4 o'clock, P. M.. and that all citizeus join in honoring the memoiy of the héroes and patriota whose lives were sacrlflced for the preservation of our country vilknus G. Darling, Mayor. Reeeived and filed. To the Honorable, the Common Council : Gentlemen,- Pursu&nt to the resolntion of your honorable body passed in Common Couneil, May 7, 1894, autnorizing the appointment by the Mayor of an additioual patrolmau to the regular pólice forcé of said city, and the detail of the said patrolman as truant oflicer. I hereby appoint, subject to your confirmation. Martin" Clark to the regular pólice forcé of said city. and detail said Martin Clark as tniaut oflïcer, as provided by law ; it being expressly understood, nevertheless, that the service of the said Clark vinder and by virtue of this appointment and this detail are to be without expense to the city of Ann Arbor. C. G. Darling, Mayor. Accepted, and the nomination was confirmed. FKOM THE BOARD OF PÜBLTC WORKS. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works, as directed by resolution of vour honorable body. beg leaye to submit the followiug report of its doings in the matter of bids for the construetlon of the ends of culvert across creek on Fonntain street, between Miller avenue and Cherry street. The Board caused notiee of its wants to be published in the Ann Arhor Argus. and also distributed said notice among local contractors; and as a resul t. on the day set forclosing such offer, had two bids as follows: John Mahlke, $277, and Koch Bros., furnlshing all labor and material, aud paviug the entire length of creek bed, at .f-ióS. All tbiugseonsidered, the Board recommend that the bid of Koch Bros. be accepted. and that a contract be made with said Koch Bros., at contract price, $358, The Board also submits the followingThat estimates be asked for from engineers for drawing a map of the entire city, which shall show all grades, monuments, and also show line of sewers, water and ga maius, on a scale of one-fourth inch to the rod. the same to be completed in one vt-ar from date of contract, said engineeralso do all necessary and regular work as shall be required of him by the Board of Public Works. The Board recommend that the matter be referred to the Committee on Streets. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Recéived and filpci. FKOM BOARD OF HEALTH. To the Honorable Common Council: Mayor, President, Recorder and Aldermen of the City oí Ann Arbor. We beg leave to make the following report relative to the condition of the water supplied the city by the Receiver, A. K. Hale, of A. A. Water Company: The water is supplied from twelve flowing wells ranglngln size from two to six In ches In diameter and from sixty to seventy-five feet deep. The water is wholesome, pure and pafatable. The Board of Health was invited by the receiver of the A. A. Water Co., to make a thorongh inspection of the water supply fnrnished the city. which was accepted by the full board May lst, 1894. We found the grounds. buildings, and caten basons in a wholesome and sanitary condition. To reUfve the anxiety of everybody, we have had the water anulyzed and herewith submit the analysis for publication. Thisanalysls shows that the water snpply fnrnished by said water company is exceptionally pure, and there is no authentlcated evidence to show that the water supplied by the Ann Arbor Water Company causes disease. Ann Arbor, May 3. 1894. JOHN KAPP, Health Officer. Eli W. Moore, President of Board, Martin Clakk, Inspector. ANALVSIS MADE BY A. C. SCHTJ3IACHE1Í, I'H.C. I al - I i = ii 3 -H =2 = - e= ss '" lïi"ig.lli :- 3= ; -=■ = H Ha i ■ Sample of water drawn from the Ann Arbor W ater 350 320 S .013 .015 Trace Works Reservoir April 30, 1894. =T ' c" o o = a =L O 0 20.4 Ai Thls sample of water I should pronounoe as exceptionally good for domestic purposes, taking into conslderation other samples that I have analyzed, and that are used for the same purpose. A. C. ÖCHÜMACHER, Ph.C. Received and filed. PKESEXTATION OF PBTITIONS. OL Chas. S. Milieu and sixty-two others, asking that Wm. E. Blackburn be appointed patrolman, and be assigned to duty on State street. Referred to the Committee on Police. A communication from the I'resiident of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, stating that the company must decline to comply with the order of the Common Council, as to repairing bridge over their tracks. Referred to the Committee on Streets. City Treasurer Pond filed a bond in the snm of 80,000 with Junius E. J?eal, John F. Lawrence, John Miner, James L. Babcock Artlmr Brown, Oliver M. Martin, Moses Seabolt, Chas. Dwyer, John E. Travis, Frerl. A. Ilowlett, J. D. Ryan, Burt V. Scliumaker, as suretjes. Referred to the Committee on Bonds. City Marshal Banfield flied a bond in the penal sum of $500 with Andrew Peterson as surety. Referred to the Committee on Bonds. BEPORTS OF STANDING CUMMITTEES. KEPOKT OF KI.VAXCE'COMMITTe'e. To the Common Council : In accordance with the resolntion passed April 16, 1894, the Finance Committee herewith snbinits a report of the present financial condition and the probable expenditures up to 6ept. 1,1894. The dedicting the warrants ordered at last meeting from the Clerk's report, and the probable expenditures in ihe various funds for the month of May leaves the funds in tho fol! lowing condition. to-w it : Contingent fund. overdrait.. $2,21!) vi í Street fnnd. overdrnit ,7 ; : fund. on imid. :f!.6J7 04 P. C. Á t'. fund, on hand .rJ .7 Flre fund, 011 band 1,800 89 I Pólice fund, on hand ! j ,04 J 57 Poorfnnd. overdraft 'M6 49 Water fnnd, on hand 40 (Vmetery fund. OU hand 271 2. Soldiers' relief fund. 011 hand l,2üB 68 ü. of M. Hospita) fund. on hnnd L40 00 Dog tax fnnd, on hnnd 10U 01) Delinquent tnx fund m 89 Total 011 hand... 14,561 16 I Total overdraft ÍJÍ78 U Estímate balance on hand June lst. $11.283 02 Following estímate and appropriations of expenditures for three mouths {Sept. lst, 1894.) Contingent Fnnd. Coat of salaries, light, printfng, etc ,_..v'.'.7 1 53 Overdrmt. June lst, 1894 2 219 .,i Total overdraft, Sept. lst 1594 $3,969 12 Street Fund. Cost of salaries 3 moni ha $ 379 as Appropriation for trading Broadway -lm) 00 Appropriatión for gradliig Monroe st 50 00 Appropriation for gr&ding Gott st ."0 00 Appropriation for grading 3d st ïuo OU Appropriation for sprinkling arouud lourt House 25 00 General street work, based on la-t year 3 months i,'.iki 11 1 Overdrafts Jnne lst, 1894 567 67 Total overdraft a In street fund, Sept. lst, 1W4 $3,072 65 Bridge, culvert and erosswalk fnnd, appropriations and estímate of expenditures : General work, based ou last year. 8 months. June. July, Sept -- Í1.500 00 Appropriations made for building crosswalks -. 580 00 Kst i mate of cost of crosswalks recommended by committee 970 00 Appropriation for grading west side of State street 75 00 Estímate for extensions of ends of culverton Fountain street 175 00 Total $2,440 00 Bridge, culvert and crosswalk fund Will have a balance Sept. lst, '!)4, of $2,G2t 47 Firc Fund. Tost of running the Department 3 mo's $1,4S7 00 Balance Sept. lst. 1894 363 (j9 Watt 1' Fund. Hydrant reutal $2,815 00 Overdraft Sept. lst, 1894 215 OU Pólice Fund. Cost of 3 months' salaries $ 405 00 Balance ou hand Sept. lst, 1894 540 62 Poor Fund. Cost for 3 months . 450 00 Ovcrdraits Sept. lst, 1894 796 (XI Cemetcry Fund. Cost for 3 months f 57 75 Balance on hand Sept. lst, 1894 218 55 Soldiere' Relief Fund. Cost for 3 months $ 60 00 Balance on hand Sept. lst, 1S94 1,143 63 Proximate cash on hand Sept. lst.. 1S94 S4.891 16 Estímate of monies that will be rec'd from liquor tax_ 7.000 00 Total cash f11,884 16 $11,894 16 Proximate overdraft in the various fuuds Sept. lst, 1894 9,052 77 Proximate balance on hand Sept. lst, 1X94 $ 2,841 39 Of course these expenses are based ou those oí last year aud are largely speculative, but answer the purpose for rough estímate. Respecti'ully submitted, f bank Wood, C. H. Manly, Arthur J. Kitson. Finauce Committee. Reoeived, fileU and ordered printed. KROM THE ORDIXANCE COMMITTEE. The committee on ordinanee having presented a printed copy of "An Ordinanee Relative to Sewers, providing for the construction of a system ot Lateral and Connecting Sewers in the city of Ann Arboiv' Aid. Prettyman moved that such ordinanee be read a third time and passed, whereupon Aid. Taylor moved to amend and to strike out in Section one, line two, after the word sewer, "already constructed." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Wood. Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor and President Wines. - 7. Nays - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Ferguson, Kitson and Prettyman- 6. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend aud strike out in Section ten, line five, the words "make," "of," ''of," and "the"' and insei't after the word report" to the Common Council," and also in line five, after the word payable strike out lito the" and in line six, begining of line, "Common Council." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - Xone. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend and insert in Sectjon sixteen, line ten, after the werd default "said penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars."' Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, and Pres. Wines, -10. Nays - Aid. Allmetrdinger, Wood, Taylor,- 3. Aid. Brown moved to amend and strike out iu Section sixteen, line fonr, the word "three" and insert in lieu, thereof, the word "six." Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood. Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, and Pres. Wines- 10. STays - Aid. Wagner, Kitson, Prettyman,- 3. After which the chair having stated the question to be öhall this Ordinanee pass as amended? " the yeas and nays being called, the ordinanee, as amended, passed as follows: Yeas - Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson Prettyman and Pres. Wines. - 13. Nays - None. Second reading by sections of "An Ordinanee Relative to Disorderly Conrluct, Forbidding and Prohibiting Young Children from being and going upon the Streets Unattended in the Nlght Time." FROM THE COMMITTÉB o. STKEBTS. To the Common Council : Your C'ornmittee on Stroets and the Board of l'ublic; Works were on Mav lfth nótlfied ïiy the street Commissioner that the oulvert on Miiler aveuue, west of Seventh street, was in a dangerous condition, your Committee and the Board of Public Works in a body visited eaid oulvert. and find that iibout :Í3 feet of suid culvert has cavud in and the balance of the culvert i- greatly out of ropiiir and not s;tfe for jjublic truvel. While the flow of the stream is not a largo one, your Committee would therefore lecoimtmml that the Board of l'ublic Works causea culvert built witli two 24-inch sewer pipe luid sidi: by Blde, I ncvortüni; ín peeinVatton drawn hy the City Eiií:;ne'r8Ti(: snbmitted bythe Bóard ofPu i ic Works. Cbristean Martín, p. l. bodmkk, Frank Wood, A. P. FKiiorsON, W. L. TavLOk, H G. Prettymax, Street i'ommittee. Accepted, and recoruinendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Suyder, Ferguson, Brown. M;inlv. Tiiylor, Kitson, Prettynmn. Wood. l'res. Wines - 18. Nays- None. FKOM THE C' 'MMITTEE ON SIDEWALKS. To the Common Councü: YourCommittee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the eommunlcatiun from the Board of Public Works, asking for an appropriation lor the gradina of NorVh ötate street, on and along tiif west Bidé, trota Kingsley to Fuller street, would respecti'ully report that tbey have had the matter under eonsideration hnd find that said gradlng is R necessary public improvement; we would therefore recoujmend that the appropriation of ÏT5 be made from the Bridge, Lulven and Crosswalk t'und for eaid gradlng. Kespectfully submitted C. H. Mam.y, H. J. Bhown. Arthür .T. Kitson. C. J. Snïder. I). F. Allmendingeh, C. V. Wagner, Sidewalk C'ommiltee. Accepted and recominendation concurred in as follovvs: Teas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays- None. KROM THE SAME. To the Common Counoll: Your Committee on Sidewalks would report that af ter a careful examination ot ïhe premis-es of the Misses Hawkins, in referenee to Sidewalk on the east side of their property, on Fourih avenue, would reeommend that wlïiie said property remains a.s residence property. permission be tfranted to lay a cement or stone walk ö4 teet in width. alouir said street. Provided, that as soon as stores are built on said premises they or their tirantees will e.xtend the same to 11 feet in width. Your i'ommtttee, to whom was referred a resolution to examine sidewalk grade on the south side of Volland street, would report that they inspected the walk and grade on said street, and find the same to be a very satisfactory grade. Your Oommittee fina the sidewalk on West Jefferson street to be in a very dangerous con ditionto the public, without any jsuard-railing to the sudes of the walks, west of the T. & A. Kailway Co. 's land, We would therefore reeommend that the Street Commissioiier at ouee see that the neuessarv guard rails on and alonf; said walk6 are placed. Kespeetfully submitted. C. H. Manly, H. .1. Brown, Ahthuk J. Kitson, U. J. Snyder, D. F. Allmendisgbr, C. W. Wagnkh, Sidewalk Commiitee. Accepted, and recommendation con ■ curred in as follovvs: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Boden er, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. KKOM THE SAME. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred the several resolutions and petitions askinjj for cross walks. find there is a necesslty for crosswalks and intersection walks where stated, your eommittee caused to be preparedand herewith submitthe proper resolution ordering the same and reeommend that it beadopted. Respectfully pubmittod. e. H. Manly, H. J. Brown, Ahthuh J. Kitson, P. J. Snydey, D. F. Allmendingeb, O, w. Wagnbr, Sidewalk L'ommittee. Accepted and leave being granted, the following resolution was offered: By Aid. : JU solvedi that the followina: appropriations be made from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Funü and the Board of Public Works be directed tobuild cement crosswalks and intersection walks as follows: Eighty dollars for two crosswalks on and aloog the west side of W. Tbird street, across Washington and Liberty streels, the crosswalk on Ijiberty street to be built of cement, and the Washington street crossing of plank. Seventy-five dollars for erosswalk on and along the east sido of Washtenaw ave., across South Universlty ave i'ifiy dollars' for erosswalk on and along the north side oí South L'niversity ave., across Washtenaw ave. Seventy-five dollars for erosswalk on and along the east side of Fourth ave., across Washington street. One hundred dollars for erosswalk north side of Liberty, across Main street. Thirty dollars for erosswalk east side of Fourth ave., across Packard street. One hundred dollars for erosswalk uorth side of Washington street, across Main street. Ninety dollars for two crosswalks, east side of Main street, across William street, north side of William street. across Main street. Fifty dollars for erosswalk north side of Geddes ave., across Observatory street. Seventy-five dollars for erosswalk south side Ann street. across Main street. Seventy-five dollars for erosswalk north side of Huron street, across Fourth ave. Adopbed as follows : Yeas - AU'.s. "Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Munly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. Jsays- Xone. FROM THE SAME. To the Coininon Couucil: Your committee on sidewalks would report that that there being a necesslty for the grading and construclion of sidewalks where stated, your committee caused to be prepared and herewitli submit the proper resolution ordering tüe same and reeommend that it be adopted. Respectfully submitted, C. H. MANLBY, H. J. RliOM'N, Akthür J. Kitson, ('. J. Snyder, 1). F. ALLMENDINGER, 0. W. Wagner, Sidewalk Com. Accepted and leave being arranted, the followiH!; rcsolution was óïfered : By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvement, Therefore, i t is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the tollowing streets and in front of the loliowing property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz: On Fifth street, along the east and west sidos, from Liberty street to Jeflerson streel. On Fourth Aveuue, along the west side, [rom Packard to Madison streets. On Chubb street, along the north side, from Mr. Hughe's east line to Wildt street. On WUdt street along the east side, from Chubb to Charles streets. Dn Madison street, along the sonth snle, in front of the property of the BetaThetaPl, 0. E. Üowry, A. W. & M. E. Hamilton, K. L. Williams, Fredricka Qerner estáte, and Hattie A. Hanley. On Liberty street. along the south side, bctween state and Maynard streets and in front of the Peterson property. On Catherlne street, along the north side trom Main street to Fifth Avenue and in frónt oí tbó property ot Mr, stafford, the Mrs. Lewis estáte, Mrs. iiurns, (W. W. Wbedon, agent), also on the north side at the property oi Mrs. Katherloe Nebel. On Lawrence street, along the north side in front of the property of Geo. W. Ruthrull'. On W. Huron street, along Mie north side in (Vont of the property of H. L. & L. D. James and Dr. J. A. Dell. On División street, along the west side in (Vont ot the property of Jacob Hauser. On Kingsley street, along the south side in (Vont of the property of W. J. McLay, .John Ptisterer, and Mrs. Katherine Nebel. On Liberty street, alona the north side.ln front of the propertyol Wellington Tate, i'atrlok O'Brlen and Rflcnael ,. sniilh. On Clark street, along the west side, f; oia Arm t Catharlne streets. On Willtam streel, albng the nor! I from ABhley to tblrd streew along the south 1 8lde trom Tblrd to Kourtb streets. on HUI Street, along the north side. from Forest Avenue to East Universily Avenue. That all of such sldewalks be graded, built and consiruoted in the manner, within the time and of the material presoribed by the provisión of an ordinance "Entitled an Ordi uance Kelative to Sldewalks," and the grade establlshed. Adopted. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the gradlug aud coustruetiou of the sidewaiks hereinafter mentioned is deeined aud declared a necessary public improvenH'iit, THEREF0K2, Itis hereby ordered that stoue sidewalks be graded, huilt aud constructed on and along the following streets and iu front of the following property in the city of Anu Arbor. viz: On Fourth avenue, along the west sido, from -(as. Donnegan's line to the north line of Fred Wnrxter's snow room, said walk to be ten feet in wldtb. Ou Ann street. north side, in -front of the property of the Hice A. Beal estáte, and the walKs of Wesley Hicks aud Charles Vogel be brouglit out to a uniform widtli of the other walks in the hlock. On State street, along the west side, in front of the property of John H. Nickels. E. Ciilkins, Mïs. Martha Sheehau, Mrs. E. F. Baldwiu. Wiilter Toop. and .1. H. Warner. On Liberty street, along the uorth and south sldes, from Main to Ashley streets, the north sidewalk to be built ten feet in widtli and the south sidewalk eleven feet iu widtli. On Main street, along the west side, from Liberty street to O. O. Sorg's north line. That uil of sueh sidewaiks be graded, built and coustructed iu the marnier, within the time aud of the material presenbed by the provisión of au ordinance ''Entitled %i Ordinance Relative to Sidewaiks," and on the made to be established. Adopted. REPORT FROM THE PÓLICE COMMITTEE To the Common Council: Your Committee on Pólice, to whorn was referrííd the matter of a Patrolman for the business section of State street, beg leave to report. we recommend the appointment of sueh Vatrolman at a salary of flfty dollars per month. The City Marshal calis our atteution to the ueed of tbe following: articles, Whlch we recommend purchased from the Pólice Fund : ,3 dark lanterns, 2 pair hand cuffs, 3 chains, 4 svhistles, li hats 1 club. All of which is respectfully submitted, ' r. ju. jöuumeh, C. W. WAgner, i D. F. Allmexdixger, . Pólice Comniittee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the port be accepted and adopted. i Aid. Manly moved to aniend said report by adding an additional patrolman to said report vvho shall be assigned to duty on Detroit street and Broadway from Fifth avenue to Maiden Lane [ and on Depot street from Detroit to Main streets, at a salary of $50.00 per month. Which amendment prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Fergusou, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 10. Nays - Aid. Waener, Martin, Allmendinger - 3. Aid. Prettyman, that all references as to the location in the report be ; stricken out. Adopted. The report as amended then prevail'ed as follows by a yea and nay vote: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 10. Xays- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger- 3. REPORT OF SPECIAL C03OIIÏTEE. Aid. Wood, chairman of Wagon Committee, made a verbal report, stating the committee had received bids from the different wagon builders on two different styles of wagonette, and the ■committee recommends that the bid of the Ferguson Cart & Carriage Co., at $125.00 be accepted, the wagouette to be a duplícate of wagonette owned by J. A. Polhemus., A recess of five minutes was taken for the council to examine bids, etc, submitted by committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bid of the Ferguson Cart & Carriage Co. be accepted and a contract made with said company to build said wagonette. Adopted as' follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Erown, Manly, Taylor, Xitsou, Prettyman, Wagner, Martin, Allnieudinger, Pres. Wihes - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Ferguson being excused from oting. FROll THE BOND COMMITTEE. To the Commou Council : Your Committee ou Bonds would respetitfiilly report that they have examlned the fóllowius bouds of liquor dealers and druggists and would recominend their approval with the suretles named: SALOON BOND3. Principal. Suretles. Abram B. Polhemus Jacob A. Polhemus, Warren E. Walker. -Oswald Dietz Herman Hardinghaus, Fred Besimer. Damm ój Walker Matthew Lutz, Fred Brown. Martin P. Vogel Fred G. Harpst, Kmil Golz. Mooie & Brelim Titus F. Hutzel, Geo. Walker. DRUGGIST'S BONDS. Mason & Bassett E. E. Calkius. Serení B. Bassett. Goodvear & Co Junius E. Beal, J. D. Ryan. Kberbach Drug aud Chemical (Jo Leonhard Gruuer, Martin Haller. Arthur E. Mumraery Arthur J. Mummery, M. W . Blake. Respectfully submitted, H. G. Fkettymas, C. W. Wag.ser, C. J. Snyder, Bond Committee. On motion tlie report was accepted ; and bonds approved. On motlon of Aid. Prettyman, the bomds of the city treasurer and city marshal were approved with the sureties named. REPORT FKOM THE COMMITTEE ON ritlNTING. To the Commou Council: Your committee to whotn was referred the matter of preparing specltleations for bids for printinf; would respectfully report that they have placed in a scrap book ia the city clerks office samples of all forms of now in use by the city and would recommend that the city clerk be instructed to ask for blds on ea.-h form in said scrap book, and the Cterï when in want of any work, to awurd the jol of any form to the lowest bidder. We would also recommend that bids be ask cd for from the newspapers of the city foi printing the official proceedings of the Com mon Council and Board of Public Works u the newspapers and in pumphlet form, tht same as last year, also the printing of th ordinauces in newspaper. All bids ahall b by the l.fluo eins for printing t!u proceedings in the newspapërs and ordlnaifees aud bv tlio page for the pampolets. Hids win bereeelved froni t;;t.' tiewspapeis clngly and fromtwo paper of Opposite politics jolntlv And we reuouimoml tinu the ulerk bebereby Instructi-d t ; ak tor lucís to u opened June 4, 1894, at fOurO'clock p. m. Kespectfully Mibuiitted, h. WlNES, H. (i. Prettymax, C. H. Manly, Committeee. Acceöted &nd récommeudatlons concurred ,in SIOTIONS AND KE30HT!ONS. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That tlie sura of one huudred dollars be and is hereby appropriated trom the street f und to continue the wofk now in progress on the Broadway hill. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kit son, Prettyman, Wagnei, Martin. Allmendinger, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved. That the salaries of the following offlcers be tixed at the following prices for the coming yeaF: Health Officer, $150; Inspector for said Board, $100; aud the remaining menaber of the Board, $50. Aid. Prettyman moved that the resolution be referred to a special committee of three, such committee to investígate salary question, also what is being done by the Health Officer. Adopted and so referred. Pres. Wines appointed Aid. Prettyman, Martin and Brown as such committee. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the City Attomey be requested to draw contract with the Ferguson Cart and Carriage Co., for the wagonette, such wagonette to be complete'l within 60 days from date of contract. Adopted. By Aid. Wood. Resolved, That the President of the j Council, City Clerk, Council and Board j of Public Works go to Jacksou next i Saturday to investígate the cost of cross wa'lks. Each meinber to pay liis ' own expenses. i Adopted. . By Aid. Fergnson: Resolved, That the City Clerk is ! hereby authorized to have lettered over each door in the City Building,ou the transom the name of each office, i and the cost shall not exceed eight dollars. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aids. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyman and Pres. VVines- 12. Nay- Akl. Wagner- 1. By Aid. Snyder: Resolved That the owners of the Masonic Block, on the corner of Main and Huron street be ordered to pave the gutter on both sides of said block. Adopted. Aid. Manly moved to adjourn, which inotion was lost. By Alderman Bodnier. Resolved, That the sum of Fifty dollars be appropriated froin the Police fond for the purchase of the necessaries asked for by the City Marshal and recomended by the Pólice committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger. Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- Aid. Martin- L. On motion, the Couuciladjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News