Why Chinamen Change Signs
A Washington street Chinaman changed his :-v;n the other day, name and alL One oí' bis customers, after tha siga had been changed, stopped in to see if a ncw Chinaman bad taken possession of the place. He found the same laundryman as had been there for a good many months. "What did you chauge the name on your sign for?" was asked of him. "Oh, that nothin. Only sign name. That's all." "Why don't you pat yonr own name on the sigu?" "Oh, see ii' I sellee place, can't Heïlee sigii. See? Any name good siyrü. That's all." He then explained that it was a common practico among Chinamen to changa their signs freqnently, and that by so doing they believed that it enconraged trade and thus reimbursed them for the expenditure in red paint and
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News