Report Of The Condition
OF THE FARMERS' & MECHÁIS' MIE - AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, July 12, 1893. KESOURCES. Loans and discounts $267.02329 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgagea, etc 87,715 07 Overdrafte 3,539 75 Dne from banks n reserve cities 17,362 81 Due fromother banks and bankers 2,069 50 Duefrom Washtenaw Co 1,315 14 Furniture and flxtures 2,000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 25 ö0 Interest paid 3S7 38 Cheeks and cash items „ 3,540 27 Nickels and pennies 219 4S Gold eoin 10,35000 Pilver coin 1,9020 U.S. and National Bank Notes 13,5tï8 00 Total $411,099 52 LIABILITIES. Capital etock paid in $ 50,000 00 Snrplusfund 30,000 S0 Undivided proflts _ ,.__. 5,786 08 Dividends unpaid _ 1S5 50 Individual deposits.. 99,979 02 Certifleatps of deposit 152,94859 Sayings deposit3 82,20033 Total $411,099 62 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) County of Vashtenaw, ) ss' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the abovc oam6d bank, do tolemnly swear that the abovf tatement is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier, Correct- Attest . Ambrose Kearney, "i W. K. Breakkv, J-Directnrs. Edwakd Düffy, I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of July, 1893. H. A. Williams. Notary Public.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News