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f TfCURES MtREALL ELSEfAILS. Ea fcrf Best CuiiKh Syrup. Tasto tíood. Use IH ia time. Sold by drugglsta. IH Kl'sjN13sj$ MRtiCTOKY. 3. A. B1AC LACHLAN, M. D Diseases of the BYE, EAK, NOSE and THKOAT Oflire. cor. of Main and Washington Streets. iesidenee. 14 8. State Street. Residence tele)hone, No. 128. Office telephone No. 131. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and I to 5 p. m. ELIHTT IB. IPOIDTID. Jtjstice of the Pea ce nd Notary Public. ronTej'anclntr done and REAL RSTA.TE bouirht and 8'ild on comrnision. Patronage solicite i No. 8 N.Main 8t. ATTORNEYS. V B. NOB RIS Ej Attorney at La w . Dues a treneral lawcollectiouaad conveyancfi bufilneflA. A moderate share of yourpa■ fftiro reapecffullv solicited. Office, lö E rluron Street, upstalrs. p ft. WILLIAMS. AttornQT ú LiY and Pension Chin AtaT, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. DENTISTS. w. N1CH9L8 D.D., DENTIST. l.n the oíd St. James Hotel Uloen. Teeth extracted without pain ny táe use of vltalizedair. A C.NICHOL8. DENTIST Late oí Nichols Broa. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main atreet. NO.4 W. WASUINGTON" ST. dOUSï, MGii. OijHAÏEAL .ASD RESCO PaiUTÍS, jtldlng', cttlcunining, iriazinir and paper Danr All woritis done in the be9t styie and warrantfd to grive satisfaction. HOVING REMOVED Ml' SHOP TO KRAPF'. PLANING MUL lam now better prepared thanever before todo all work in woira turning and pattern makiug w,th aeatn&ásaud lu-patiii. ALPHEÜS H. ROYS. MARTIN & FISCHER. "HOPK1KTOKS OF [HK WIÍSTBKN BREWEKV, v N AKKOR, Ml; l. ti'wsra of Pure Laeer Beer.


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