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In Memory

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Another sheaf of ripened grain has been reaped by the immortal reaper. The Angel of Death has visited our ranks and removed from our midst our worthy and respected brother, Sir Knight Adam D. Seyler, finance keeper of Johnson tent, K. O. T. M. He is no more. The hand of time has marked the hour of his earthly career, the lamp of life has gone out, and he has reached his last resting-place. No more will he meet with us in our reviews; no longer will his presence cheer us or his voice be heard in our deliberations. All that is mortal of our brother lies within the narrow confines ot the grave. He fought the great fight of life, and has lain down to rest. The years of warfare with him are ended. He contended for a grand and noble cause, and his memory will be enshrined in the hearts of his brothers. His good and noble qualities cannot be covered with mother earth. They still live to urge us on to greater deeds of charity and benevolence. The bright and immortal part of his being has passed on to a higher life in the Supreme Camp above, where we all in time must rendezvous. He was ever true to his obligations. Therefore, Resolved, That this Tent tender to his family and friends their kindest sympathies. That the charter of our Tent be draped in mourning for thirty days. That a copy of these resolutions be engrossed and delivered to the family of the deceased. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Tent as a perpetual memorial to our departed brother. That a copy of these resolutions be printed in the Michigan Maccabee. Committee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News