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Council Should Act

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The Washtenaw County Democratie committee met in the supervisor's room at the court house Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of setting upon a date for the Democratie County Convention, to elect delegates to the state convention and choose a new county com mittee to eonduct the campaign next fall. The date chosen for the convention was Thursday, June 21, just oneweek before the state convention at Grand Rapids. The question of enlarging the convention and giving tha various townships and cities an increased delegation came up before the committee and was thoroughly discussed. The representation heretofore has Deen on a basis of one delégate to each sixty votes cast at the last general election. The committee ïnally decided to change the basis of representation to one delégate to each forty-five votes cast at the election in 1892. This makes considerable change and enlarges the convention from 178 to 229 delectes. The number of delegates each township is entitled to under the new apportionment is given in the cali of the county committee on the editorial page of this issue and the special attention of township chairmen is called to it. In conventions of all parties in the past there has been a general complaint from the township delerates that partiality was shown in electing delegates to conventions and that the county delegates usually got the worst of it. An effort tías been made to prevent this in Democratie conventions but not always with success, but the committee has devised a plan which will be recommended to the convention for adoption that does away with delegates-at-large and insures each township an equal representation on all delegations chosen.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News