Victor L. King
An Afflicted Boy Salt Rheum- Intense Pain Eruptlons Healed and Health Restored by Ho d's Sarsaparllla. " We have used Hood's Sarsaparilla with great success in the case of our boy. Wlien he was two years old, something resembling tetter or salt rheum came out on hi3 face. It was painful, and owing to the intense itching, the little one could not refraia from scratching the flesh. His face became An Awful Sight. I applled different salves but they dld not do any good. I had previously lost faith in doctors, so I decided he needed something for the blood, and having noticed Hood's Sarsaparilla highly recommended, I procured a supply. lts effects were quickly noticeable, the broken flesh healed Hood'ssPBCures over and he became more healthy. He is now seven years old and I have never noticed any signs of a return of the trouble. He is now strong and healthy as any boy of his age." Mbs. ChrissieC. H. King, Sandwich, Illinois. Hood's Pilis cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestiĆ³n. tl 1
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News