H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Aks Street. lIÏEEHAfAlBAGMGElISE, In the rear of Edward Dutfy's grocery store. Hack to all traína, day and nlght. Orders for tralns, parties, weddings and funerala promptly atteuded to. Telephone, IOS Ano Arhor Mlch. dThISCÖCK k S8Ñ, 105 N. Main Street, The only dealers in LEHIGH CO AL. He is aow receiving large invoices of the same, and old and new customers are rushing forit, beoause they pronounce it the beat Coa in the, city. Up-town office at JOHN MOORE'S Drug Store, 12 E. Huron Street. Special attention paid to trders by telephoneor postal card.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News