Dr. L. D. While was in the city Wednesday. Ernest Perry, of Bay City, is visiting his parents. H. Woodard, of Flint, spent Tuesday in the city. H. M. Tabor arrived home from Dakota on Tuesday. Dr. Geo. E. Frothingham, of Detroit, was in the city, Wednesday. Dr. N. J. Perry, of Kalamazoo, is the guest of George Vandawarker. Mrs. E. F. Mills is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. G. Tuyl, in Detroit. Judge and Mrs. Melville McGee, are visiting their sons, C. K. and W. F. McGee. Mrs. Edward Wells left for Tole do, Wednesday, to attend the wed ding of a sister. Mrs. W. C. Hollands hasreturned from Jackson where she has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Pond left yesterday afternoon to spend several days near Coldwater. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Shaw visited Dundee friends this week. They retnrned Thursday evening. F. P. Osgood and bride, of Adrián visited their cousin, Mrs. Henry DePuy, last Sunday. Rev. E. N. Duff has gone east on his vacation. He will be absent until the second Sunday in July. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson, of Grand Rapids, have been the guests this week of Mrs. H. A. Nichols. James C. Lewis, who was callee here by the death of his father, returned to Utica, Wednesday evening. Mortimer Twitchell and wife, oi Hamburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Depuy over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. W. Millen, of Detroit, and Miss Nora Wettnore, of Concord, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. W. Morton. Mrs. Geo. H. Rhodes gave a tea party, Tuesday evening, in honor ol the 8oth birthday of her mother, Mrs. D. L. Gates. J. L. Hudson, of Detroit, and W. J. Davidson, of Port Huron, were in the city Wednesday looking after their electric light interests. Dr. Kent Kale returned from Adams, N. Y., yesterday morning and will spend some time here looking after the interests of the water company. Rev. H. Tatlock, Prof. G. W. Patterson and H. J. Brown attendec the Eastern Michigan Diocesan convention at Detroit this week as the representatives of St. Andrew's pansh. C. W. Mellor, steamship agent, has booked the following Ann Arhor people for European passage i: uring the next month: Prof. and Mrs. Paul C. Freer, Prof. and Mrs. j. E. Reighard, Miss Katherine Reighard, Masters John J. and Paul R. Reighard, Miss Ellen Pease, Miss Francis Beckler, E. W. Dow, John R. Effenger, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Manchester, Miss P. J. Heinmann, Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge and Prof. A. A. Stanley.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News