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Paid Over Half A Million

Paid Over Half A Million image
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Public Domain
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Ex-I'ostmaster, E. E. Deal, has kept account of the business of the pont office for the past four years of hls tnemmbency witn the following : OKDEKS AND NOTES ISSUED. May 7, '90- May 1. '91 $4.336 66 " 1, '91- ■ l,'9-2 48,680 79 " 1, '92- " 1. '!I3 47.040 3.5 ' 1, .):,- '■ 80, '91 i7.'-'T() vl) 199.83S tiO PAID. May 7, '90- May 1, '91 $115,252 98 " 1, '91- ■ ' 1 '92 121,760 87 " 1, '92- ■' 1 "98 126,696 (W " 1, '93- " 'M, '91 - 150,188 S9 513,88!) ;)2 T.he expenies of the office were $."'.,- 519.25, and the net profit to the go ven-mm ent on Ann Arbor's post office was $52,998.81. OnO of the most interesting items is the amouots seal áway In money orders and postal notes, as eontrasted wíth tiiat sent horc froan outaide. The figures, are is fofllows : RECEIPT3. May 7. 1880 to April 1. 1891, $ 22,891 72 1. l-'.M ' - 1.1SW - 2685 m ipril 1, 1892 ■ ■ i. !.-;';;..- ii.íla : April 1. ir1.!., ■ May 30. 4 S8.6G6 i. Total receipts $liav. 06 Tiiis k1iob over $314,000 more in orders and üotes than were Issued in four ycars. or afearly $80,000 a year. The two-cfiu etamps sold by postniaster Beal aumbered 8,008,359.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News