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Statistics Of St. Andrews

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I lev. Hemy Tatloek went to Detroit Tuesday, to attend the annual conveuition of this diocese. His anuual report of tt. AadreWe parisli. of this city, shows it to be iu a prosperous ooodition. The figures presented will le iollows : EECEIPTS. Cash on hand $ 93 15 Pew rents 3,182 % Interest 165 C Offertory, all services 1,259 36 S. S. Offeriugs 102 10 Contributious of missions 717 95 Endowment for poor of Parish ._ 1,000 00 Woman's Auxüiary 245 93 Junior . " - 86 07 M inistering Children's League 25 4ï Ladies7 Aid Society __ 434 22 Total $ 7,262 25 dis'euesembnts. Current expeuses $ 4,202 SS tmprovements 493 s:ï Mointaiuing S. S 147 efl ('ommuuion alins 159 17 Endowment for poor of Parlsh 1,000 UO Expenses of Parochial Societiea 127 69 Total for Paroohial objeets $ 8,180 64 Diocesau assessment __ 50 00 ruissions 601 41 Ai-ed and inflrmed Clergy 80 00 l'omeatic Missions 1 160 38 reigu ■ 172 00 Otiier ■ 51 00 Total $ 1,065 79 Cash on liaud - 66 82 Total disbursemonts $ 7,26 96 Tlie önmial report of &t. James parish, Dexter, anade by Iiev. L. 1'. Jtx-elyn, glves ihe föllowing Btatistics : In tb tfirst place the parish is out of diebt, tuid lias a clnirch edlíice valued at $2,200, a rectory worth. $500, and $(ÏOO permanent endowment futul. It Jias reoeived and dlsburaed $2S9,70 duning the year, and has a Sunday SehiOoO library of 300 volumes a ladies' aid society of 40 niembers, and a Junior auxiiiary with 15 niembörs. Otilier figures are : Iufant baptlsms 21 Adult " il Confirniod 5I ( 'ommumcants 660 Studente not otherwise included 15U Total Communicants 810 Marriages 7 Buriata - 25 Number of families S94 " Students not in families 370 Souls 1,502 S. S. and Paridh Librarv, 476 vols. Communicants 85 Confirmed during the year 7 Ño. of familie in parish 53 ' not included iu families 5o Making a total of 115 Sunday School teachers 8 " " scholar.s 30 Average atteudaace 17 Blble class 77 Fiftieth Commencement Exercises. Below is given the f uil program for commeucemeiit week at the University, the exercises being of special interest as they include the graduation of the fiftieth class from the institution. SATURDAT, JUNE 23. 9:00 a. m. Examination of candidutes for admission to the Department of Literature, Science, and the Art?. SUNDAY. JUNE 24. 8:00 p. m. In University Hall. Discourse to the graduating classes by President Angelí. MONDAY, JUNE 25. 9:00 a. m. Examination of candidates for admission to the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts. 2:00 p. m. Meeting of the board of regents. Class Day, Department of Law. 10:00 a. m. In University Hall. Address by the class president, Robert Eramett Minahan. Class History by Lott Russell Herrick, B. S. Oration by James Leonard Poston, B. S. Prophecy by Daniel John Buckley. Valedictory by Victor Otho Coltrane, A. B. TUESDAY, JUNE 26. Class Day, Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts. 2:00 p. m. Under Tappan Oak. Oration by W. W. Wedemeyer. Poem by J. Raleigh Nelson. Class History by F. L. Osenburg. Prophecy by Marión U. Strong. Address by the class president, D. F. Lyons. 8:30 p. m. Class reception in the Gymnasium. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27.- ALUMNI DAY. Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Special Reunions of Classes. 2:00 p. m. In the Chapel. Business meeting of the Society of Alumni. Department of Medicine and Surgery. 1:00 p. m. Banquet, followed by an dress by the president of the Alumni Association, William C. Stevens, and others. Department of Law. 4:00 p. m. In University Hall. Address to the Alumni Association by Hon. William H. Taft, United States circuit court judge of the Sixth district. Class Day.- Department of Pharmacy. 2:00 p. m. In Newberry Hall. Salutatory by Charles O. Topping. History by James C. McGregor. Prophecy by Miss Grace E. McNoah. Poem by James Seymour. Valedictory by Charles H. Williams, Ph. B. Senate Reception. 9:00 p. m. In the Chapel. University Senate Reception for graduates, former students, and friends of the University. THURSDAY, JUNE 28. The Piftieth Annual Commencement. 9:00 a. m. The procession will form in front of the law building. 10:00 a. m. In University Hall. Commencement exercises. Oration by Prof. George Herbert Palmer, of Harvard University. Conferring of degrees. At the close of the exercises in University Hall the procession will form again under the direction of Harrison Soule, chief marshal, and will proceed to the commencement dinner, which will be served in the Waterman Gymnasium. Tickets to the dinner, price 50 cents each, must be procured at the steward's office.