FOR SALEÍ My stock of FARM I.V1PLEMENTS and SEEDS5 also, Stort Property, 5-27 Detroit st. 5th ave., for Sale or Rent. Inquire at res., 1 .. . „„..,... Nol 7 División St. ) K. J ROGfcRS, ALL PERSONS EXPECTING TO LAY CEMENT SlDEWxVLKS. SIIÜULD SJiK W, H. Richmond, 16 VOLLAND STREET. TREDWAY WALL m 11 Í 79 UK BISAN AÏL, 2ETH0ÍT Belng 110 longer able t.o fincl in "outside" factories the variety oí designs and colorines necessary (or uur trade. we have made our seloctions trom the new linos of the National Wall Paper Co., manufacturéis, in largequantltlesat bottoiii prices, and we are otterinu the best soods in the market at prices lower tli;in ever. 20,000 Rolls ! Of "Outside" GUt Paper 3c and upwards, to close out. 1 CQ o ■= Moa - 1 o ] Oh t 't 01 II i i BE Si 9 3 Ia M i i o íí -M i i+i S oo n - a s II 3 3 5 ís n 1 s tí =í h I I ÏS ! a II I I i
Ann Arbor Argus
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