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Democratic State Convention

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The Democrats of Michisran wül meet in state coi) vention in the city of Grana Rapids on the 2Kth day of June, at 12 o'oloek noon, for the ptirpose of nominating party candidates for the followlng state offices: Governor, Lieutenant-Govurnor. Seoretary of State. State Treasurer, Auditor General, Attorney General, Commissioner of the State Land Ofi'ce. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Memberofthe State Board of Educatlon, and alsorwo candidates for rnited States Senators; for the selection of a State Central Committee t serve fortheensulDgrtwo years, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come bef'ore it. Accordlng to the rule adopted liy the Demócrata1 State Conven1 ion, held in Detroit in !-■ ", and sinee followed, every county in the ■liiii' is cntitleu to one delégate to the state Gon ventlon foi vach 500 votes cast for Governor at la-t _ aeral electkra, and one additional delégate for a fraction of not less than 250 votes. Hut each county is entitled toat least twodelepates. All delc.sates must be residents of the county they represent. The delesates from each congressional district are to meet in caucus on the day of the convention at quarters to be hereafter desirnated by the C'entral Committce and select candidates for recommendation to the eonvention as foilows, 'o-wit: Two meinbers of the State Central Committee, one Vice-President of the Convention and one member for each ot tbe following committees of the Convention: Credentials, Permanent ürtranization and Order of Business and Reaolutions. Itwill facilítate the workins of the Committee on Credentials if the Secretary of eacb Couuty Convention will promptly forward to the headquarters of the State Central Committee in Detroit immediately af ter the convention, a full and accurate list of the dele;jates chosen to the State Convention. Renewinir our allegiance to the cardinal principies of Demoeracy. we cordially invite all those yho have voied in the past with the Democratie party, and all otherswho are desiroue of associating with it in the future, to particípate in the caucuses for the election of delégales to this convention. DANIEL J. CAMP AU, FRANK H. HOSFORD, Chairman. Secretary. By H. G. COBÜKN, JR., Acting Secretary. Washtenaw County is entitled to 21 delesates.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News