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Gloomy Times Make Cheerful Prices!

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The universal apprehension of the World's Manufactures and Jobbers regarding future business conditions, has caused them to force biglots of goods on the market, always of course for spot cash.- Following our fixed purpose to avail ourselves of every opportunity to increase our popularity and business.- We have let no offering escape; this is why more goods in dollars and cents have been sold this spring at "The Store," than ever.-Some Rare - Very Rare Bargains are now being closed. DI I? I I B - - 75 Doz. bought at onei A One case of the very best UI&jllJjEl A PÍG LOT, fl LINING Linin Cambrics .nade in MfKSS e tv m ' third their value-the biglengths of 5 to 10 yards- ni 1 II } " O 50 Pieces Trim, . , wíl! be sold bv the piece at HÍKjI, A very big lotto parchase at i millgs in Braids and Q 1 r Q St bargain of the aeason CAMBRICi Qi"oA lílDLL SbriEíe BlilLB. GimpB and RuffSILVtR -all bea.tiful a.istic deW11" 3 12C YD ÍMEBS -ZhTilcfrlra L_lmgs,aHnewstyles signs, cabina siz,, spld UWIWliv priceonthemthatwillmake bought this spring.-We are going ! P GTURE evervwberefor50caDiece O every honsekeeper bny one IUIUI1L ever} heie toi oOcapiece, }POWn Five cases Brown Ootton 50 DOZ. are sellW liere at r in leil?ths "P to twenty 5"ds(jOttOn. - goodweight, clear, stanThey are SWetly $1.50 to í 2.00 values, -0Mi, „■ FRAMES. %LL&L?& the very best quality and design, and your HPulllill HTiï P V close at choice of one or all at SQp ■lUglUttl I I lUU. C"V1 2 1-2c Si Waist Sale fs Ai) over pnrchase of Silk mSpM jP?} J Waists bought at temptingly JéjWL p M f low prices determines us to vvgí "v make a sacriñce sale nn thern 'á3 Jt2!L__ now, and oft'er the whole Une at X -PTJlvV ■ 1-4 off Regular dSik Price. ... I fñMW0) Ask for tbe celebrated Griffon U M ' L Skirt Waist, in make and style M #!- J"' A superior to all others. We are j yrif _ -■'■ '' solé agents for them. Special ÍL-jfliliP WÊÊk, drives in white and colored flSc-'-; "Wh waists at -25, 35, 40, 50, 75, f mHHHK and 80c. Boys' Waists in KËÊÊÊÊMmlarge varihty, sizes 4 to 14. ÜP r j The very lively interest shown in Art JÖOOLy our Ingrain Sales and Moanette ■ -_- i Sales has led us to having an excluJtSl?llSSOlS sive Body Brussels Sale.- As usual fl . we are going to give you the newest VilFTÏGXS the most worthy carpets at a price that you'l come to The Store at Mg Now Come a Sale of Brusonce#__jane8 prce will be for the jtenÏriBSsa owell, Bigeiow and Hartford makes .. time at The Store. the $1.25 quality 98c. 90 W "Rag, Tag and Bobtail" Makes have no place in The Store's Carpet Stock, the best only in Carpets as in everything else at The Store. "Y J 200 Rolls Rolls Jap and China (J 9;T) SLUCL Matting bought from a gloomy im " porter who needed money. - Here Cvlll113i are cneeru prïces or jou # 25 Rolls Matting, bright neat dejVrattlIlö signs you have to pay 30c for, can Aw be bought now for 18c. 30 Rolls Matting, plain and colored, a good 40c quality, makes a very substantial floor covering at The Store's Matting 25c. iness has developed so enor40 Rolls Extra Heavy Matting, a mously that what was once a strict 50c quality, going at 30c. season's supply is now a 25 Rolls Colton Warp Matting, supply for a week. the lowest price 45c, at 28c. 25 Rolls Cotton Warp Matting, i never less than 50c, now 35c ARTSQUARES Ingrain Art Squares, size 2 x 2$ yards, regular price $4.25, for June c " $2.85. Ingrain Art Squares, 24 x 4 yards, regular price $6.00, for June ----'" $4.3a. Ingrain Art Squares, size 3 x 34 yards, regular price $8.50, for June - - - - ■ $G.3;. BSüWPiPSISS SB)k IVlU-Qji-ri J nclcr wccu1. IR Wl Ladies' Night Robes, V shaped and m' 0lk ■; fmi nigh neck, value 75c, now 5Oc. H FTmmvTT' 1 Nadies' White Skirts, tucked, deepjf ; 'IP BP ;l hem, value 75c, sale price; 45c. yg - I!z.::::: Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Corset Covers, Ë: ■ ' white and ecru, value 40c, sale Jm IIP Ladies'' Muslin Corset Covers, the ÊÈÏWWWwéjMMWÊk 35c kind, selling this sale, 18c. iKSf$f$$LA Fruit of the Loom Drawers, tucked and edged with lace, 35c value, shis sale, 19c. 255 doz. Women's Eibbed Vests in ecru TTT-wv and white - a sure, certain 12c vest vv omen s for 4Ci . . , 4c. SUIUniOr 50 Women's Richelieu Ribbed pure lisie thread Yests - a certain, sure 5Oc TTflq+g Vest, at - - 30c. 75 doz. Women's Imported Egyptian it may sound a tittle Cotton Richelieu Ribbed Vests, silk hackneved, but here are trimmed througliout - vou never saw Inaroach aïte" Tv e the the? -ere not 50c-at 25c, 25c. Sr" Women's Pure Silk Vests, splendid about ONE-HALP weight, the very best grade, made their value. for fine wear - they sell to high class trade for $2.00- now at $1.25, $1.25. ]V[T1T'S MenS Balbriggan Shirts and -Drawers. extra fine gage, full fashioned and C{ wi TT Q finished - strictly 75c value - big purylUULUlël chase- price, - - - 47c. VV 02JT Men's Cotton Egyptian Richelieu Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, regular jobbers' price $4.50 per doz., at - 25c. Men's Gray Mixed Shirts and Drawers, 45c would be low for them, - 25c. A big lot of Handkerchiefs has come to us in an unusual way. We will sell for two weeks 75 doz. Ladies' Pure Linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, embroidered initials, splendid 25c value, for 12íc. 75 doz. Silk Embroidered Chiffbn Handkerchiefs, very rich, value 35c, for 19c. Irish Embroidered Handkerchiefs 19c. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs 19c. French Embroidered Handkerchiefs 19c. "Jap" Silk Handkerchiefs 19c. Irish hemstiched Handkerchiefs 19c. Handkerchiefs for Men 19c. Handkerchiefs for Women 19c. Nineteen Cents, 19c, 19c, for Handkerchiefs worth up 75c. 50 doz. Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, cheap at 25c, at 15c. íVtj ErjorijloUs , ñj HOSl ERY ;' 1! EiosiEry uSmI . nmes SOX, 11OW XoC. 30 doz. Misses' plain IT HAS COME TO THIS IN SOMS OF THE black 25c lióse, for 16c. Q vrir ituv 100 doz. Ladies' Black STOREb ïyOWADAlS. Cotton hose at 4c. Miss DeVere- "L idies' "ONYX" Black Hosiery nlease, and no comtni'nts." iiiiiiiuiLj Compeditor'8 45c Butter & Bourdon 13 U L LiliSX Laces and Insertions, 25c. I iAi j Pir Compeditor's 75c Butter & Bourdon Laces, 48c. 500 pieces new handsome (In this Big June Sale.) „ , T i i.i ■ Compeditor's 98c Butter & Bourdon Butter Laces ero on sale mis T r „„ J_jLiCGS O) O week. The Great Butter & '(In this Big June Sale.) Bourdon Lace trade is at The Compeditor's $1 Butter & Bourdon Store will never leave the Laces, 68c. (In this Big June Sale.) store. Compeditor's $1.50 Butter & Bourdon Laces, 98c. "ROTTRFlO'Nr (In this Big June Sale.) JDW 1XUKJ1X Compeditor's 200 Butter & Bourdon T . A PPüP! Laces' $!-48■i-i-y-LUJ (In this Big June Sale.) _ m Sc 0 r ítti lT ftiuatJ Tbe wonder is that every man w %. H 3rf tl hsb I 1 I 3rlNn and woman in the county doesn t e I A 4 y BJ ? ■ NI MUfUiM come to The Store for Parasols _fe, il ifl IH il i JK Q II I II provisión for rain and sunshine 40?% tÊs M M iffi m W m iTMnMAliflH as never bef ore and at prices that lik-.i 1 I5 I "■"■ÏWWM willmakeyou exceedingly MWíPMfEk 26-inch fast black satine Umbrellas, 75c value, 55c. ' '"J ■- ■ : }XjËMy á 26-inch gloria silk Umbrellas are put in this sale v èg? for 89c, instead of f 1.50. Our Great Leader - never inatched for less than $2.60 - we have to buy 500 at a time to sell them Pure silk English roll Umbrellas, steel rod, paragon i frame - usual price, $4.50 - June sale, $2.95. JV White parasols in moire lace, surah and taffeta silk E 1 at lowest prices. Black and colored Parasols in " ■ I ■ I I ■ I great variety of styles with prices less than usual. YF i" TT f Tf 3 cases 36-inch soft heavy 11 I % h Bleach- "The 1492"- % ï an 8c valué, sale price, P III A I 1 I?.l none in value less than 1 U HIP 1U1I11V IJ U 65c and 75c will be sold for - 39c. 15 pieces Table Linen, in value 75c to $1.00, will be sold for 69c 5 pieces fast color Turkey Red Table Damask, 30c value, for 19c5 doz. all Linen Table Covers, colored border, two yards long, 75c Turkey Red Table Covers, 2 yards long, - - - 75c1 Tnrkey Red Table Covers, 2 yards long, - - $1.20. Turkey Red Table Covers. 6-4 yards long, - - 50c. - 100 dozen best Huck Towels, .... i7C. 100 pieces all Linen Crash, - - - - 4 l-2c. , 50 pieces best 12-cCrash - Stevens N 9c. 3 1 case Bates Quilts reduced from $1.25 to - - 98c. 1 case Lancaster Quilts reduced from $1.00 to - 85c. 3 15 pieces Ticking, extra heavy, feather proof, reduced from 18c to .... 12 l-2c. 1 20 pieces Fancy Ticking, 10 assorted styles, reduced from s 15c to 10 l-2c. Cotton Diaper, worth 65c, - - - 37 l-2c. T?f5irl"r Ladies more than ever appreciate the J' advantages of being able to purchase a JYCcLCÍ.6 mxt reacJ - They don't have to . wait, besides they are very handsome and SUITS 3HQ. economical. - Daily accession are added Ij to this department. W rapperS English Duck Suits in White, Ecru, Blue, and Fancy, $4.50 was early season price for them, at $3.00. All Wool Covert Suits, Eaton Style, were f6.00, sale price $4.25. All Wool Covert Suits Blazer Style, were $7.00, sale price $5.25. Iri8h Dimity Dresses, Ruffled and edged with Valencennes Lace, were $6, sale price, $4.00. Fine English Seer Sucker Dresses, vcry 'pretty and stylish, $3.75, now $2.50. Oí? lÍP O n Calicó W rappers we are showing fer this sale a great range of styles at sale "WraüDGIS prices 59e, 69c, 75c. 85c, 90c, vv $1.00.


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