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Notice to Crecfitors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF o Wahtenaw,s. Notice ia herebv cívei hatbv UI order oí the frobate Cdu rt tot t: ■ 3üuaU of U'adbieiia-.v. miuite ■■ ïi - 2 ett .1 .' ■ May A. l. lS'.'i. six muti is . la( were illowed [orcredit.ire io pref-m tueii claims .inst i(u of . ■ LoViii, 1 of said Sountj, üeo-.iswl. ind lllal' uil creutov.i of said leceaed aro required to presen: their claims o naid Probate Oourt, at th fmbale Office in tbe :itvof Ann Arbor, for examination and alIuwum. on oi u-for liie -jist d.i y of November next, and tlmt Hiioh cluiiua wlll lip heard before said C'ourt uu the Stal diy of Auguet and ontbe21at dy of November nt, al teu o'cUwk in tb forenoonof eac-h of suul (?ays. Dated, Ann Arlior, May 21t A D 1S94 J. WII.LARD BABU1TT, Judpe of Proliate Real fc_srate tor Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP k5 Wasbtenaw- sa. In the matter of the estáte of John Woodmansee, deceased. Notice Ie hereby glven, that in pursuance of nu order 'jinuted to the andersigned administratrix of the estáte uf said deby the H.-n. Judee of l'robate tor the County of Washtenaw, on ithe 29tb May, a. D. 1894, al 10 o'i lock In the torenoon oi tha( day (subject to all encumnranci - by niortsrajre or otherwise exlstlne at the time of the death oi et d deceased tbe following described real estáte, toBelugallthBt part of-the easi half of the southeast quarter ■■] seetiou iiumber twentyeight(S8) In township number tvo south of range oumber six ( . ast, lying nortli of the 1 par) oí i hi west lmlf of the south-west qi arter of secdon nambei tnenty-sovrii m township uro aforesald, now City of Ann arbor, which said paroels of land are boundrd on the e-t by Foresi Hill Cemetery, on the south by tL Road and lands of M. Ann White and Wm. Looker, and B. J. Conrad. on the cat by lande formerly owned by J. A. Soott and Jiimes Huddy, and on the north by the quarter line Of seirtlon twenty-seven and tweuty-eight in s;iid town-.liip, contalning forty acres, more or less, also lowlng desorlbed plece ol land commencing at the south-ea.-i corner of the north-east quarter of sectlon twunty-eight aforesaid, running thence north on the east line of said secttou efghteen rods, thenoe west parallel to the south quarter line of saiti seo tion forty rods, thence south eighteen rods to the saia south quarter line, thence east to the place of beginning and containing in all forty-four and one-half acres of land, more or less, except the following described parcel, vlz: Beiriuuiiijf at the north-east corner of Forest Hill Cemetery, running south along the east line of said cemetery forty rods, thence east sixteen rods. tbenoe north parallel with t'rst line forty rod , thence west sixteen puls to besinniiiL', oontaining four acres ut la od belng on tbe east one-half of the 9outh-eas1 quarter of seciion number twentyelght town number two south range nutnber Bil east. Dated May 27, 1894. CAROLINE WO0DMAN8EE. Administiatrtx. SherifTs Sale. VOTIrE is hereby Biveu that by virtne of a i" wrlt of flerl faoias. Issuedout of thi cuit lonrt for the county of vahteuaw. in favor "i George Devitm. agalnsi the ifoods and ohattels and real estáte of John Devine, In said county, to medlrected and delivcred, I did on the thirty-tii-t day of May 18H4, levy upoo aiul take all tlie riviir. title and Interest ofsaidJoho Devine, in :md t.i the follow ns described real fState, Bituated in the i-ounty of Wa-htenaw. State oi Michigan, viz . The south-west quarterof the north east quarter i.f section number efgbt, in town one south of rangre five east; also the iiorth-westquarter of the south-east (jtiarterof said sectiou number eiht iu town number one south of nuisïö number five east, a il In the townsiiip of Webster, county of Washtenaw. -tate of Michigan. Aleo, the following descrlbed piece of lana, sitúate and being ín the village of Dexter, in the lownship of Scio, county ot Washtenaw, Michigan, to-wlt : Lot number 8ve(5i in Mary .}. Raywalt's additlon to the villaje of Dexter. Michigan, according to the rccorded plat thereof. All of which i shall exposé f, ir sale at public auction or vendue, to the hihest bidder, at the south dooi of the court House, in the eify of Am ■■ ;n said county, that beiug 1 1 1 : the Circuit Court for satd C"iuit of VVaslitenaw, on Saturday. the -ilsi áaj of July. A. ). i8M, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of thát hi y . Dated, thls 3Jst day of May. A I. 184. MICHAEL BKKN E:i, S!r .T. W. Bennett, Attoraev tor Plaint :V. MARTIN & FiSCHEP THJ3 WKSTEKS lïKKVVKKV, A V .'. 'ii-i Li. Brewers of Pure LáKer 6átii


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