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C Milieu went to Jáckson Mouday, ou business. Mr. Fred Burtksá drove to ïecumseli hisi Tuesday. C. Schwab is having a new sidewalk built in front of Ris resideñce on City road. Mrs. Schuil and chuighter Viola, of Tecuraseh. visited friends in town last week. Messrs. Schmid, Lelir, Senger, Kimble and Hashley speut Sunday at Sand Lake. Ida Achile, who has been at Brooklyn for the past months, returned last week. Mr. Geo. Torrez, of the University came home ast week spend his vacation. MissTessa Carroll, of Clinton, attendecl the commencement exercises last week. The university and Normal students are expected home for the vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. Field, of Tecumseli, attended the alumni reunión, last Friday eveniug. Lizzie and Mary Gappe, of Arm Arbor, visited relatives and fnends in town last Sunday. Miss Mary Sculley left last Monday for Saginaw, where she expects to remain for some time. Howard Macomber who has been on the road for severa! weeks carne home fora short vacation. Miss Isabella Millen went to Detroit last Thursday and returned, accompanied by her father. Mr. Winton was in town Tuesday. He came on his bicycle from Jackson, returning the same day. Alma, Louise and Marie Schmid went to Tecumseh last Friday to visit their Üncle, Wm. Arnold. A new bank has been organized, with Ben. Euglish as president. The bank will be opened Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Leaveuworth and daughter Franc, of Grand Kapids, are visiting her father, Mr. A. A. Wait. Mr. Freeman, wife and little daughter, of Chelsea, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollis last week. Mrs. J. Patchin, of Traverse City, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. D.Watkins and expects to stay several weeks. The Workingmeirs Aid Society will hold a picnic at their grove on tlie Fourth of July. A good time is expected. Miss Nettie Taylor, who is teaching in the Grass Lake school, came home last Friday to spend her vacation with her parents. Miss Ruth Kapp, of Arm Arbor, visited her uncle, Dr. C. F. Kapp, a few days last week, and attended the commencemeut. Clifford Drake returned to Philadelphia last Monday. Mrs. Drake will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Sanford. A ïmmber of young ladies went to AV.impler's Lake, Wednesday, to spend the day in huving a good time, aud they all report havrtig had it. Ernest Kuenzler and Paul Shoettle, who have been attending the Elmhurst college, cotne home last Thursday to spend the summer with their parents. John English and daughter entertained the teachers and graduating class at their pleasaut home three miles soutli of Manchester last Saturday ifternoon. Albert W. Dorr, who is attending Hillsdale college carne to attend the comrnenceinent exercises and will spend nis vaction visiting his sisters at Honey Creek. Miss Grace Srnith, who has been teaching in the high school, returned to her home in Saline last ïuesday. Miss Minnie McAdams will spend her vacation at Clinton, and Miss Lucy Poucher at Brooklyn. Last Thursday evening xrbeiter hall was tilled with people to listen to the graduating exercises. The hall was draped with the class colors, green and white, and ferns decorated the front of the stage. Their class motto was. "Gaining Ground," the class iiower, the sweet pea. The class consisted of eight memuers: Herbert Witherell, Wamer Spencer, Homer Palmer, Fred Bartless, Francia Logan, Edith Kapp, Rose Scully, and Flora Reno. Last Friday morning the regular meeting of the Alumni vas held at Arbeiter hall. The following offlcers were elected: President. Chas. Leeson; vice-pres., Fred W. Freeman; ree. sec, Margaret Blosser; treas., Fred. Burtless; cor. sec., Marie Kirchhofer. In the evening the annual reunión took place. Smitlfs orchestra of Hillsdale furnished the rnusic. The literary program was very interesting. Supper was served at the hotel, after which a nuinber returned to the hall to enjoy the hop. A NEW BANK IX MANCHESTER. The citizens of Manchester and vicinity will be gratified to learn that on Saturday, June 30. a new bank will be opened in their town to be known as "The Union Savings Bank of Manchester."' That the village will be greatly beneütted by this enterprise is unquestioned. Heretofore the majority of the depositors in the present bank received no interest on their deposits; a few got 2 per cent, while a very f avored few got 4 per cent. This policy caused a great many people in and about Manchester to deposit their money in Tecumseh, Chelsea, Jackson and Ann Arbor and many sent their money to Detroit in order to get 4 pei cent. Now all this will be changed, as the new bank proposes to pay 4 pei cent on all time deposits beginning on the opening day. The stocK of the bank is owned bj the most influential and careful peopú who enjoy the confidence of the entire community, insuring for the management a conservativo policy based upon strict business principies guaranteeing safety and fair treatment to all. People living in and near Manchester are invited to show their friendship for and their aporeciation of the the new bank by making their deposits as large as possible on the opening day thereby reeeiving 4 per cent. interesi from the day they make their deposit


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