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The New Method Treatment A Wonderful Discovery

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Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weaknesa, Gieet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnaturat Dlsciiíirjfes, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Poi 'iveiy Cured by ES?You can Deposlt the Monoy In Ynur Bank or "' ïtur Pr.stmaster tu be paiü us aller you are l.URiü umlor i . . , ■::. uuaran'.ei! .Vf Abuse, Ezceses and Blood Viseases h.ive wrecko-1 ti t ?' ■ 'f tbonnp.nds of yonni? men ■ and middle atred men. The farra, the workshop, the :J:i1: - Loo!, t o:ice, ibe fl lione - all have it víctima. Yon (j man, it you !i.iv.' i-mj, -'.-rent. ' v .re of the futnre. w èitddie ayed men, you are growing prematurely weak und th ■ ...-. y p.nü puyeically. H Consult us bofore too late. NO ÑAMES USEO WhNOUT '. :..., lUithl. Conhdermal. ■ VAR1C0CELE, EM1SS10NS AND Í .'■ HÍUS CV.iED. W. S. OOT,LINS. W. S. Colllns, of Saglnaw, ■ ks. . S. CÜLL1NS. ■ ■nsii?v "I am 29. At 15 I leaxned S baii li il)il ■ ;.!:- itarSt tr- 'v Dad tili ia. I hen bpfamt "uie ol I ■ ' 11 iSK i TMI yfüto" Expnsure pr'luvoil A'.i ■ I . . !..■■- f 2. ;K ons and despondent; 'no ambitum ■ . oor; eyea í JO i 4 , cd, eunken a .a biur; pimjJeH oii - i', Uio, bose ] 9 yC.i. y r:únR; weak hark; varioocele; 't ■ ■ . ! f t ?x yy 'Ry nighv, weak paris; dppoKit in nriu. ir . t - ib, Vr 1 dnxl nf dollars withom help, ■ . . . ■ ■ V. [ " Js- -f k pnicide wben a frieii'l rfecommnto. I":. :...)....} & 2$: yTk W -rt ffV liiTirmi's 'w Molhud 'i'ioat i. Sí i rfaHZSHWN E ïtKS6i 'l triw.": it. lu two months 1 wai rimüd. . ■- .; '■'$■& hfri ' 3 I .- I IE" yeare ago, iind never ba I B rel irn. Wai . "'"'"' I w' T) ï 1 l _j yeure aso and all happy. if-o. r . ■ V - - 5 BELüiik treatm't gan beforegiviat' up 1kii ." aftuc treatm't I s. ATOvrt)N. Seminal Weakness, Impotency aad B. ■' " ítojí. 1 #gK Varicoccle Cured. S. ! " )MjSi "When I consnlted Drs. Kodw!; A !.-: ■ -i, I in' ƒ - 3 f little hopo. I w:is 6i:rpriu.i i. Thfir now ' f ? 9 .fjl ment improvcMl mo Ihe fiiv -,v ■■'.. ' upnf-i!. ) ."" JÍ I iOfT nerves became strom?, pains diwii :-i ..!■;, ! r vrew in -, ff M ïr ' asain, eyee Iwcame brK!it. e . lerfuJ in c ij . tií and - y Í X a. stroDs sexual!). Havins triod many Qi ... 1 cídí JS?xA 1 W haartilypecommandDre. K8nnly4E W ■'! P BEFoBIETI:-7ö!'eiili;5t3-rr!ieytre!iJ!!l!-Jjy ■ ■ ■■-:- ,Ksm-t. I T.P.EvKnHOH A Nervous Wreek - A Happv Liie. T. P. ' " "SON. I tT. P. Emerson Has a f.'j.ron Esc: fo. jJfc B "I live on the farm. At sehoi! 1 t';u ,; .1 ;n arly ƒ "- jlfll x uabit, which weakened me pbirn ■ ' f Vr S mentally. Family Doctors ca ' .. I'T LST Vh JË "decline" (CpognnTptíaní 'i' il I ' ., : " rT tfl! 9 Monitor," edited by Drs. Kenn ! .VI.. - t L "4 m lo my hands, l learned tho Ti-tuk aud 'it'. Beif jflT'?feft. ƒ" ubose had sapped my vitalitj I fw jr - " f W Mtthnil Tretttmtut au:i was cuit-n. '. tl Kfeil É was onred of Consnmption. i . '■'ÍV SS. upatientB, all of whom curod. -' ï- "rflnv, B SiethodTreatmantgnppliee visor, vitalhy su . i-=k=t a BEFOKF. TREATM'T. liOod." R TKKATMLNT. DITA nCPt Are you a victim? llave you 1. i .Ir.tias mnrnCrtULn ■ riage? Ha your Blood been die :.v ' ■ . xeaknew? Uur New Method Treatment will cure you. What it hl une r ...1 do for you OUfLBS GTT-A-Il.ixr '. ' .VIO 3F.A.-!ir 16 Years n Detroit, 160,00 :: Cu isk Consultatlon Free. Nojnattwwhohas troatedyo' ..- frran honeet opinión Free of charge. Charges reasonable. Books Free olden Monitor" (üIubtrated) on Dieeaees of men. Inclose postage, Í centf . . BTNO NAM6S USED WITHOUT Á'rtl' IM CONSr NT. PR!. VATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. No nsmi-s on boxts or envelopet. Everythins confldentlal. Qutso;i ist i,d est of I ment. FREE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAH, ï


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