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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men!

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Emlssions. Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Seif-Abuse. Syphllls, Gleet, Strlcture. Unnaturál Dlsoharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine. Impotency. Sexual and UuwiKVL%faêFrSS&RED OH NO Syphilis Cured. "This tembla blood dj. ■ r._ C-thor I iliP Snn Youngor Middle Aged Man-Yon haTe led a eaBe was in my syatem for eight year. Had L.1K0 rdlflcr, L-IrYC OU. jray lif e or indulged in the vices of earlyyonth. taken mercury ior twp years, but the disease ƒ 1 Xoufeel the symptomsstealing over you. tktf returned. Eyea red, pimples aod blotche on abuse, or laier ezcesses have broken down your the skin, ulcera in the mouth and on tongue, A Bystem. Mentally physically and sezually you bone puins, fulling ont of hair, weaknees, etc. BH "W are not the man 'yon n6ed to be or should be. My brotlier. who hrui been cnred of GUet and -. =?. V V Vt Lustfnl practices reap rich harvests. ïhink ■' U-i,irrhy Drj. Keunedy and Kergan, recomrri "A iiïSi W ofthefutnre. Will you heed the danger tignals! mandedthem. They cureii me in a f ew weeks JL Sr ' f A Ar JO" nervons and weak; despondent and and 1 tnank God I conaulted them. no re"ñ-ff VX W-iJI-' gloomy; specks before eyee; back weak and turn of the diseasc in sn yeare. I fTk i. kidneye irritable; palpitation of heart; drearos W. P. M., Jackson, Mich. ' I fe '- ■' V and losses at night; sediment in urine; A Minister Speaks. The Kev. W. E. Bparks, y l ■-" ifV ened manhood; pimples on face; eyea ennken cf Detroit, si.ys: "I knowof nodieeasefio in( II t. y and cheeks hollow; poor memory; careworn jorious to the mind, body and soul of yoong J1, VU Y expression; Varicocele; tired in morning: men as that of Self AbnBe. I have sent many I I J V"ï lifeless; distrnstfnl; lack energy, strengtli Tctims of this luatfnl habitto Drs. Kennedy I IJ' JtJI and ambition. Our New Method Treatment 4 Kerpan for troatment. 'I canheartily II Cr ■ tkV A - V7(JrA. will positively cnre you. It will make a man dorse r ■%,-. Meinl ïrealmeni which cured I JM vV. ' xk". -X7 f Vfr-' Vfr of you and life will open anew. Wt guáranla whpn all el-( failed." fÁJr1tk 'OC"ryVr-7hr.drVerconsënt 000 A Doctor Recommends It. "I know nothing 1 B rVr'Ji!!==?bsw_ AJ pl „ Trratmenlot Dre. Kennedy & Kergan. Many I C ( ■nff'l 1 dr 1 SNATCHED FROM THE ORAVEI ,.!lsl.s which had ImiBed scores of physicians I ML p--" J3f=-?3i' {' VVW' A Warning From the Living. cnred iu a few weeks. I have seen this B fPlUvO SS -TV" J3y -A Emissions Cured. "At I learned a bad Wlth "W own eye3 ElISON M'" Tnrl y'X jr%K babit. Had loBBes for eeven years. Trie.1 Lt.ALL SUM.M.U. ■ Í-JJVI XX í Y four doctore and nerve tonics by the score, Reader-H;ive yon been gmlty? Has your I 's. y f i,, tjfSf Jl without benefit. 1 became a nervous wreek. HU - been diseast-d ? Areyouweaki" Do ou II 'l + All LJÁUS A friend who had been cnred by Dre. Kennedy de n to be a -tuint A o ou contemplating I ■ II II ii JPir 11 & Kergan of a similar diseae, advised me to ma -ace? Onr Sea .delhod Trealmtnt will II r. -J i' l- Jm try them I did so, and in two monthB was pontively cure yon. Cures Guaranteed or No I J i 11 :-- I positively cured. This was eight year ago. Pay! Consultatio;) rreel gvdfS jff Si I am now married and have two healthy Nomattor who has treatedyou, wnteforan W 9rmrw ' I I C,' children." C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw. Mich. honest opinión free of charge. Charges I Z-- - and nervons, eyee snnken, baehfnl in society. Postatro, ceuts. eaiMBiroEK tebatmint. hair thin dreams and losses at night, no tNo ñames used without written consent. I gJfn&MhaU At taem a. th. Kennedy Ker c-dneinfew eke,' ,ia,. fóffiSj k- H- - - DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 5HELBY STREET, DETROIÏ, MICH. j


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