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The Salt} That's all Salt Ib the Balt every one sbould nsc. The lmpurities in the other kinds are useless, of couree, but dangerous also. The Urne, especially, is the cause of much kidney disease. Diamond Crystal Salt Is mnch the purest, and therefore the best salt known. Made from the best brine, by the best proces, with the best grain, and packed In the best manner. The fact that Balt Is cheap ia no reason why you sbould not have pure salt. Ask. for Diamond Crystal, give it a fair trial, Write us for further particulars, Our Dairy Salt is the standard of excellence, and no butter maker should be without ït, Address DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., f St. Clair, Micb. It is human nature to want sometinng ]or notlung. SIL VERWARE era iw feee - AT - W. F. Loilholz Grocery Stoi'e, Nos. 4 and 6 Broadway. This is the way it is done: With every Cash Sale, whether it be ten cents or fifty dollars we give yon a coupon showing the amount purchased, and wheu you hav hought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of Forty Dollars, Forty-five Dollars or Fiftv Dollars YOU CAN HAYE YOUR CHOICE of theTWENTY BEAUT1FUL riECES OF SII.VERWARE, such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Cream, Fruit„ Caster, Berry, Pickle, Butter Dishes, etc. CALL AND EXAMINE. Bemember Everything in the GBOCER Y LINE Sbld Cheap for Cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway FOR FINE SOAPS And rich and lastinfr Perfumes we are able to offer foryour inspection au exceptionally larpe and elegant stock. Soaps made from common fats or rosin are not fit for toilet purposes- be sure and by pure soap at our druj; store. Our perfumes we guarantee the best. MAM BROS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St.' - ANN ARBOR ƒ] Binder and III lm Stack Covers. H Write for Circulare BREÍaÑ ÏOS, t TOLEDO ,0,-! MonU?LiS? Beet Beer in the City at Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALD DIETZ Prop. iif a lV"l 8 or 10 men to solicit UI A Ml I kil orders for HardyNursflHlV I ïmU ery Stock, Fruit and ______ Ornamentáis; also new and valuable yarieties of Seed Potatoee. Permanent pO6itions; iiood salary, ranfdnsr from $7ñ to S12o per month. Apply ijuick.with references. L. L. MAY & CO., """!""i'"ó.mi,""7 St Paul Minn. El. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. L1TEKV.H.4CX AAI BAGGAGE LISE, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all train6, day and night. Orders for trainB, parties, weddines and funerala promptly attended to. Telephone. 1ÜS Ann Arbor Mich. no. 4 w. washington st. House, Sigh, Onamenai and Fresco Painter, trllding , ealoimining , glazing and paper hauK Ing. Allworkis done in the best sty!e and warranted u nive satiBfaction. W. S. MOORE, TÏTT'WT'TCT Work done in all JLJXUlU X 13 X ■ luim ol modern destistry. Crown and Bridge work a specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 27 South ïm Steet. M SM, HIGH, House. - I shall want Sept. i, a house of io rooms with modern improvements and not far from University or street cars. Adress G. G.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News