I Mrs. Wm. Gwinner is at Zukey Lake for a few days. Rev. W. L. Tedrow is out of the city, for a few days. Mayor Darling has returned from his outing at Mackinac. Burt Voorhees is introducinghimself to Oakland county friends. Miss Bertha Genther, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Cornelia Koch. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nickels are passing a few days at Portage Lake. Ex-Senator George Howell, of Lenawee, was in the city yesterday. Miss Ellen Mahar left this morning to pass the warm season at Bay View. Miss Josephine Coyer has returned from a visit to relatives at Montreal. Mrs. Lucy F. Morehouse and famiiy have removed to their old home at Big Rapids. Prof. D. W. Springer, left Saturday for Port Hurón, for a few weeks' absence. Mr. Roy McClure returned Saturday from a visit to LaPorte and Benton Harbor. Gen. Devlin, of Jackson, was in the city Friday on business of a military character. Wm. Taylor, chemist of the steel works of Joliet, is in Ann Arbor on a visit to his parents. Mrs. I. S. Taylor and daughter May, of Church street, have gone to Chicago to spend the summer. Mrs. James Cook and her son, Walter, have gone to Bay View, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Pryer. Petoskey Resorter: Mrs. A. C. Hoff and Mrs. S. B. Chickering, of Ann Arbor, were arrivals of last week. Mrs. Charles Kitner, of New ; York, has arrived to pass the surn mer with her mother, Mrs. Anna ,Pack. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Pryer, of 37 East University Ave., left a few ! days ago for Bay View, to remain a ' month. Robert Gerner and sister Rikie, have been called to Cheboygan by the serious illness of their brother Gustave. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Litchfield and farnily, of South Lyon, are guests in the family of Marshal Banfield. Misses Bertha, Clara and Emma Feiner and Master Ralph Barker are away for a vacation at Independence lake. W. B. Voorheis left the city recently to spend two weeks in the baseball field with the Detroit high school team. Mrs. VV; K. Childs and family are visiting the family of E. R. Fields in Green Oak township, Livingston county. Principal A. E. Curtís, of the Adrián public schools, is spendinga short season at the physics department of the sumtner school. Mrs. F. C. Beatcher and daughters Fido and Fanny, of Detroit, are guests of Air. A. A. Fruhauff. Mr. Beatcher added his presence, over Sunday. Prof. W. H. Hawkes and wife, of Howell, are guests of Mrs. George Stimson, sister of Prof. Hawkes. He is under engagement with the Hudson schools tor the coming year. Deputy U. S. Marshal Peterson leaves this evening, on orñcial business to Richfield Springs, N. Y., where he will meet his wife who is already there, and remain several weeks. Mrs. William Bischoff, of Logansport, Ind., who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Stauch for several weeks, left Saturday for St. Joseph, Michigan, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L. Miller. Coroner Clark is spending his birthday and vacation with a niece in Buffalo, N. Y., and kindly requests of all persons who contémplate suicide in his baliwick to suffer on a little longer when he will again be with them and sit upon them, with neatness and dispatch. Mrs. Edgar J. Lowell, of Pittsburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olp, has arrived to pass the summer with her parents. Mrs. Lowell has just completed an engagement with the Boston Lyceum Company, playing three months in the Palace Theater, Pittsburg, Pa. On the opening of the theatrical season Mr. and Mrs. Lowell will be connected with a New York company in the play of "The Country Merchant."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Robert Gerner
Gustave Gerner