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Michigan rrKgTgLT " The Niágara Fallí Route." TIMETABLK (Kev.sedlJUNE ]Otli, ts4. CENTKAL STANDARD TIME. . = : & : IJS : a ; a . K 9S4I :S58 ; i as ISSSS ;U82 i a !agg :ra i o ■leus f : i! i Ti jii j i:.ji j -, s'-S :a jíjggSSi o 82 ;8l : : :Lg 3 ! S5 ES IkiEB ' 1 55 88S8g58i8ëS , iSSSññSSSS h a ; : e = í se : rr a j I reos ; = = ; - Ij -. - . : !ïlo a aa : : : :&B S I ES : ' : ; : á oo se.;1: : - s 3 se 3. . S2 ; : sa ;2SS 5 SS i :S : ;fts ?C 5" ! io ;- - Mo; j o ; ; o 5 S S : : i ; ■ L S a I ë 3 ! : : ; a ce ; ; ■ f? ; Ï6 3 iSb ■ SS ' ■ ' ÍS S a; : : ; : :' 5 I X.' :-'" ' : : '-"' . i SS =L; .1=2 S a I o. ca. - S a occ -ox xtaxseos l'illüUiflI s siilisiii O W. RUQfiLKK B. W. HA VES Q. P. T. A Chicago. A?'t Ani, A ur. ARE YOU POSTED _ ON THC _ _ Standard dictionarY PUBLI8HED BY FUNK & WAGNALLS CO , NEW YORK. U,.IT COST NEARLY éílÍr MILLION f f DOLLARS. rr ■ Crandest "= li Jt Literary 7: Kfcg- Achievement Ips" of the Age_ It is made on New Plana by the beat Talent. lts Editora number 247. In preparatlon 4 years. Has a wonderful Vocabulary of nearly 300,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. More than T wl ce the Words f ound Ín any other 1 Vol. Diotionary, and about 75,000 more words than Any Other Dlctlonary of the Lanjniase. Particulars sent free to any addrees. Address. 'PRICE $12 tO $22 folffif. THE FULLER BOOK CO., maaS55; mich. Or apply to our Local Agent. TBÜCK 1 STORAGE C. E. CiODPRET. Residci ce and Otticc, 4 Kourth Ave., North Teleplione 8t.


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