A Chinese Puzzle
A question that is causing the treasary departmcnt considerable bother just now is what to do with unregistered Chinameu. Aocording to the official report made by Commissioner Mïller, 107, - i 000 had coruplied with the extended i Geary law and registered. Official esti mates place the iiunler of Chine se in this country at 110,000, &o that itwoqld appear that thero are now in the United States 3,000 unregistered Chinese, every one of whom, according to the law must be sent out of the country. There is no money appropriated for the purpose, and as it costs fully $75 per head to send Chinamen back to China froni tho United States the agrégate amount required for tho purpose will be quite large. In the meantime, under circular instructions sent out by the treasury, any citizen can appear before a United States commissioner and make complaint against an unregistered Chinaman, and United States marshals and customs offleers are by law directed to do so. Secretary Carlisle and Attorney General Olney have the vexed question under consideration and will probably make some official announcement
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News