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Rev. E. Yager left Wedneaday p. m. :or Eaton Rapids. Mis. O. A. Kelley returned Saturday .Kun lu-r Detroit, visit, quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Gee gave a large rejeptiori Tueaday evening in honor of Mr and Mis. Dante Webster, of Allejan, Mieti. Mrs. M. Wallace eutertained Miss Rabideaux, of Toledo, Monday. The butter lias tnelted and run up to 10 ets. per Dound, duriug the hih niarks ot the thermometer. The Milan people wbo have the pleasure of entertaining the Ann Arbor Argus frorn week to week greatly enjoy the style in whicli the loeal items are written. Wm. Murray is quite ill. Mr. Bhoulters and famil moved to Fort Huron, Monday. O. E. Jones visited Detroit the last of the week. Mrs. H. Guy is on the sick list this week. Miss Ada Smith is entertaining guests from out of town. Mrs. Swindt is entertaining guests from abroad. A large number of the Milan people attended the M. E. social at Mrs. Clinton Hobbs', at Mooreville, Wednesday evening. W. H. Whitmarsh left for Chicago, Tuesday eveuing. Miss Flossie Chapia is visiting friends in Weston, Mich. Mrs. A. Taylor is entertaiaing guests from Allegan, Mich. Mrs. Chas. Schmitt and family left for Canada, Tuesday, where they will visit relatives tor a few weeks. Editor A. B. Smith and wife of the Milan Leader, have gonenorth,(rather than west, young man), tor an outiiig. Look out for a new burst of eloqueuce when they return to "progresssve Milau." Atty. G. R. Williams is on the sick list. Mrs. M. Wallace and Mrs. L. Clark leave Tuursday for a few days attendance to the Eaton Rapids M: E. campmeeting. Mis. J. Brown died at her home on Wabash St., Monday eyening, of consumption. J. Seefred and wife, of Detroit, are the guests of C. T. Bill. Two of Milan's most self reliant croquette cranks assumed to scalp some Mooreville urchins even upon the public arched arena. Af ter three separate attempts the reliants retired crest fallen and dejected minus a plume. The kids did them proud placing them in line with our ball team. The spectators intimated that the balls had absorbed so much egotism that they could not pass those barn-door arehes. Not a run in ball, not a rover in croquette, the protest against Milan's making any more public exhibits. Give us oblivion, sweet oblivion!


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News