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Mórtgage S-lr-. md ':: tbe conditlons ' i eirtaln mortsasi mude bj U'illium orto, oí the fownshin of Noi unty of washti nawand State of Mirhi-au. to Keiuaid I oj e ol said township, county and state, and . ■ ated tnesecond day of November A. D. one thousand eiirht linndred and nlnety-two, and recorded in tbe office of tbe Hesd-nrof Deeds. for tbe '- unty of Washrenaw and State of Jlu-liman, on the Becond day of November A. D. one thousand elght hunüred and ninetyrwo, ín Lfber eiuhry of Mortgases. on page tbree bumlred and seventy-two on which mortsaue there is olaimed to be due at the dateof sum of three huudred and thirly dolla rs and flf ty-five cents and an att rney's fee of twenty dollars provided for Insald mortïjiae. and no suit or proeeeditiK at law havia been Instituted to recover the moneys seeured by said mortgage or any part thereif . Now, herefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortffage, and the statute sucli case made and provided, notlce is hereby ziven that on Tuesday the ninth day of Oetober, A. D. one thouaand eishr liundred and ninety-four, at nine o'ulock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public anction, to the highest bidder, at the vnith front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. (that being the place where the circuit court for Washtenaw County in "omen', the premises described in said mortirajre, or so much thereof a muy be neoessary to pay the amount due on said mortgaite, with s-x p r cent. lntere-t. and all legal costs, tosrether with an attorney'g fee of twenty dollars conveuated for therein, the premises be nz decribed In eaid mortgasre as those certnin pieoes and pareéis of land sitúate in the Township oí Northfleld. ir: the County of Washtenan and State of Miohiüan.and known and descrlbed as foUowg: i.'cunmencintr north, forty-two deirees and flfteen minutes west. tourteen rods and twenty-one links f rom a stake seven links in front of the nbrth-easi corner of the hitmore Lake Hotel occupied, in one thomand eiirht bundred ard sixty, by J. F Avery; thence north forty-two degrees audflfteen minutes west, four rods; tlience south. forty-g'ven degreesand forty-flve minutes west, eizht rods: thence south. forty-two deiree6 and fifteen minutes east, four rods; thence north, forty-seven degrees and fortyflve minutes east, eiïht rods to the place of beginning. Alsoa piece of land described as fol'ows: Commenclnir at the northeast corner of tbe land above described. thence running sout.lieasterly on the aouthwest slde of the hijliway four rods: thence north-easterly at righ't nngles with tbe above described boundary Une twenty rods; tlience north-westerly parallel wit'n said first boundary line four rods; thence twenty rods to place of beginning. REKNARD OOYLE. THOS D. KEAKNEY. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. WALL PAPERI WALL PAPER. The Newest Designs ! PRICLS THE LOWEST AT OSCAU 0. SOUG THE DECORATOR, 7 O S. ZMTIÏsr ST. VÍCTOR CYCLES TRAP nnirr ICTOK Fr.YER $12ñ.OO. If you are golng to ride why not ride the bettt, Victorsore txsti Cali and see them and you will be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE BUPORTüK. II W Washington St Ann Arbor N. B.- We have a larpre line of Seoond-hand wheeis which we are selling very cheap. mm í mm BAKERT, GROGERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep consuintly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Tirade. ■ We shall also keep a supply of OSBORXE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swtft & Oo.' Beet White Whet Flour, Bye Flonr, Buckwheat Floux, Oorn Meal, ved, &c, &c, ifec, At Wholesale nd Retail. A general stock ot GEOOERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generallv. tWGoods Delivered to any part of the city with out extri charsre. Rimer ft Seabolt.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News