A Real Lively Time
George E. Darrow, a city drayman on Tuesday feil to believing that there ought to issue from justice court a writ of replevin for a wagon in the possession of James D. Smalley, and procuring "letters of marque and reprisal" of Justice Pond, placed them in the hands of officer Leonard who, after some diploraacy and muscular show, executed his precarious mission and turned the property over to Mr. Darrow, who went on his way rejoicing until he unexpectedly found his path beset with Mr. Smalley, two smaller Smalleys and Adolph Kroniek, who were whistling "Wait for the Wagon and We'll All Take a Ride." Mr. Darrow asserts that as he came up, the above enumerated persons held him up and detnanded the vehicle and attempted to unhitch his horses from it, whereupon he descended from his perch and, for a little while, the air in that quarter was thick with dust, smoke, legs, arms and cuss words, in a confused squirming mass, and the man who could piek himself out from the others without making a mistake was an individual known to Websterian bibliology as "ajim Dandy." The excitement and dust lasted for some time, with varying success, but it finally closed with Darrow still in control of the rolling stock. He immediately came before Justice Pond and asked for a p. d. q. warrant charging highway robbery upon the said D. J. Smalley, the smaller Smalleys, and Kroniek. But as Mr. Darrow still had the wagon in his pocket, His Honor was unable to judicially infer highway robbery, and after debate a complaint for assault and battery was substituted and the parties were arrested by officer Greening. They pleaded not guilty, and the court will decide August 10.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News