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Rosebery And Racing

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The nonconformist conscience has flnaLy succeeded in drawing out Lord Rosebery on the subject of horse races, or rather race horses, for a sharp distinction is made between the two phrases. The premier's clever interpretation of the Puritan figure of Cromwell between himself and his virtuoos critics is accepted as a practically conclusive argument in a country which ranks precedent as higher authority than principie. This paramount characteristic of the English niind is ainazingly shown in the reply to the prime minister's urbane retort. Instead of defying the historie example of the lord protector and sticking to its guns, the Antigambling society weakly suggests that if Croniwell had possessed as much knowledge of the evils of gambling as is now available he would have sold his race horses, as Rosebery is asked to do. The two letters have started the discussion afresh, but the episode has so amused the English that the winner of the Derby has little to fear. It is an interesting f act that Rosebery 's most numerous and enthusiastic defenders are among his political opponents. The Liberal party has much more to fear froru the stern virtues of the nonconformist conscience. So some organs which support the prime minister politically take a dubious view of the incident. Enemies like The Times and The Telegraph chuckle gleefully over the discomfiture of the critics. They review copiously the history of thegreat pretender's sporting proclivities and lament any decadence in


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News