Eskimos And Tobacco
"There are many interestüig featnres abcrat the Eskimos of Alaska, ' ' said A. C. Bruce, who is in charge of Lake Charles Reindeer station, at the Gibson. "One of the most interesting featnres of this peculiar people to me has been their habit of smoking. They are invetérate smokers without regard to sex. Their pipes are made of walrus tusks and are hollowed out in such a manner that a gieat deal of the tobáceo as well as the smoke is inhaled. They will meet every whaling or other vessel, and almost any kind of a trade can be made for bmoking tobáceo. They vrill deliver up the ivory of the walrus at very much iess than ita valua and take in exchanfie smoking tobáceo at several times its real worth. Tho gxeatest punishment you oan in3ic uncu au Eskimo istodenrive
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News