The Evening News
g " The Qreat Daily of Michigan." The Associated Press and many smaller news gathering agencie, O a thousarvd active correspon-5 dents, a large force of city j and special reporters, fép V ful and capable editoro, % g thoughtf ui editorial writers, 1 OJft)I sPecial contri butors and artists, work unceasingly L J] 1 af ter day to produce O "TheGreat Daily of &%oiL gan," to say nothing of the O hundreds engaged in theiWprinting, mailing, and dis 0 tribtion of over 60,000 papers every day, throughout the State, o Visït the Press Room of the News when in Detroit. I,0C:w"k. 66 SHELBY STREET, 1.2S FOB 3 MOHTHS BV MAIL. DETROIT. O p Agencies in every village , town and city in the State of Michigan. ooffioeooaosooeoaooooooeoeeoeooooooooooocooooaool
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News