IS ïülb v "■ 1 TIBEO, WEAK, NERVOUS, i Could Hot Sleep. Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, ncrvous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain fatigue, mental depression, etc. 1 became so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I begau taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything is changed. I eep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one ay now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' Bestorative Nervine the sole credit. It Cures." Dr. Hiles' Nervine is sold on a positivo ptiarantee tbat the flrst bottle will benefit. All drnggists sell it at $1,6 bottles for 5, or it will besent, prepaid, on receipt of price t the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Sold by Drugglsts Everywhere. WlCHIGAN (TENTRAI " The Siagara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (Revised) JULY lst, 18P4. CENTRAL STANDARD TIM2. w sggiS ;ggi;o j - ;;S2SS :L;2 : fi-l SS ; : 35. igrS : a : : : E s 8 S :8SS8 s sh :8S ; : ;8S Bc SS ■ I EH I w O.d s Nlas. ö gSSaSSSöSS i55 SSS8SS3SSSS q C: 'i' ,C IÍ3 - O O W O SSSÍíS" ■Ts m r=íB m es : rn ë wa': as h p, ; : o Bg;: SIS i SS :SS ; : :gg fc -cos ; ; ; = = pn =JJ -"-1 ' ; ; g gE : : : : :LS a I SE : : : : : c 3 0,0. ■ i; 3 see : ■ : : : o5 s : i is i ;ss a a : ; j ;ss 1-. ■; j o rtao;:cs;:;S" m ie, i ■ i ie in I s d i ; ; ; c ím S2 i :s?5 :=S - SS SS I ; ;SS _' o- ! lo ;o- g 2"'D i50"" ! : i0055 . sa Ba . ss e d S o. -L 'a - 3 .1 j j ■ Üj I il 1 1 yl í j ! 1 1 O.W. RDGGLES H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Age Chicago. Ag't Ann Ar-'or. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, jLgent for the followinR Fint Clase Companic repre&enting over Million Dollar? Ateete, ïsaueB policiee at the loweít ratee Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 london Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 H. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Pbenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 f Special atientiou givea to the inBurance ui i-WfciliUrs. scbools. churcfieB and public building! 'b terns of three &cd flve rearH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. jym A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Dieeases of the BYE, BAK, NOSE and THROAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Keeidence, 14 S. State Street. Residence telephone, No, 128. Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. ATTORNEYS. P B. NORR1S ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general law collection and conveyancIng bueineBS. A moderate ghare of your patmnage reepectfully solicited. Office, 1B E Huron Street, upstaire. fv R. WILLIAMS, AtioraeT at Law and Pension Claim Attorner, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collectione. DENTISTS. W W. NICH0L8 D. D., DENTIST. In the oíd St. James Hotel Block. Teetk extracted without pain by the use of Tltalized air. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETOKS OI THE WESTERN BEBWEBY ANN ARBOK, MICH. Brewers of Pure Laser Beer. J
Ann Arbor Argus
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