For Good Health
Fivery 24 hours the human body loses au umountof heat by radiation from tho surface during perspiration. But, coctrary to what might seem probable at first thought, this loss is oftcncr advantageous tliaii otherwise. In this way au escapo pipe, so to speak, is provided for the human mechanism, and just as the escape pipe f a steam engine is self regulating, so íorttmately the radiation of the heat from the surface of the body is under the control of the uervous system. When the fact is made apparent to the nerve centers that the temperature of the body is getting too high, notice is immediately sent along the nerves to open wider the blood vessels at the surface of the body, with the result that the blood flows nearer the surface, the sweat glands are stimulated toincreased action, more water is excreted by thejn, and with the water goes off the heat. Since it is by this means largely that the superfluous heat of the body in health as well as in disease is got rid of, it is clearly very important, especially at this time of the year, that the pores of the sküi should never be allowed to become clogged. With the increased amount of dust in the atmosphere and its natural propensity for adhering to the perspiring body the daily bath becomes more of a necessity during the summer months than at any other time of the year. One should take great care, however, that the bodily temperature is reduced as nearly as possible to normal before the bath is taken. If the temperature be somewhat high and the body perspiring f reely, the danger of taking cold will be increased by reasou of the sudden congestión of the blood in the dilated vessels at the surface of the body. Much of the advantage to be derived from sea bathing will be lost unless the crusts of salt that form in the pores of the skin on the evaporation of the water are removed by subsequent brisk toweling or fresh water sponging. Not only is the perspiration an efjBcient means of removing superfluous heat, but by this same channel go out many of the waste products of the body. These waste products are always relatively increased in the summer months, and so it is doubly important that during this trying seascm we should keep the skin in a healthv and cleanly ti
Ann Arbor Argus
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