Missionaries In Danger
Baltimore, Aug. 2.- Bishop Alpheu3 W. Wilson, of the Southern Methodist church, who has traveled extensivdly in Chiua and Japao aud spent maay years in cloi-e counection with the mission work. in thos-e countries, eays: "ïhere is much reason to fear for the safety of the missionaries, both men and women, nov stationed in China and Corta. The natives ai e always ready to visit the resj nsibility of trouble on foreigners, no matter how remóte they may E le from the tuse of the trouble. While .Sktf present danger to missionaries is o Be (eared, it s likely that war in the loos; 7ïHHïrill help the cause of the missions by atimulating the government to greater tonce-sions in tleir behalf."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News