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Washington, Aun. 7 -The Democratie tariff conferrees were in ses.-ou again and resumed the work oí tr yin to reach an agreement ou the points of cüfference. When some of the niembers of the committee carne out of the conference committee they stated that noponsüilu pro rress had been made and that. to all p pearanees the situation was the same is it hid been for the pist week. Secretary Carlisle bad recenuy been cal led into frequent cousultation by individual members of the coufereuce. He was called on Saturday night by a sub-cornmittee of the conference. He made certain suggestions coucerning the administrativo features of some of the proposed compromise features and it is undurstood that sinoe the suggestious were received the conference has been considenng their beuring upon the questions at issue. Coal hihI Iron Ore. The coal and iron ore questions have been taken up with a view to reaching an understauding upon them, but progress has been slow. li is understood that the genate conferrees have indicated a willingness to make a concession in the way of time that the duty shall continue, but not to lessen the amount of duty provided ín either case. The house members have not indicated a disposition to accept tbis concession and are underitood to be holding out for the terms of the house bill on these items. The Louisiaua senators are demanding the continuaron of at least a part of the gngar bounty for the present year, but the prospect of the success of the demand does not appear to be bright, and there is an increase of the talk of passing a f ree sugar bill in case of the tailure of the tariff bill which is probably intended largely to bring the Louisiana senators into line. Two Distinct Views. When the tariff conference took recess for lunch two distinct views were presented. The house conferrees and the men with whom they converged seemed to tbink that an agreement was in sight. The sen ate conferrees and tbose senators with wbom they advise and consult seem d to think that the prospects were not so bright and that au ultímate disagreement would be reported. Ii was also stated that an end must be reached within the next two days and either an agreeaient or a report of a disagieemeut made. Coal and iron ore were the articles in dispute, the contest having been transferred f rom sugar which has so long engaged the attention of the conferrees. The contest on these articles is very stubbornly made on both sides. NEW STATE BILLS. The Senate Will Probably Take No Action Upon Tlieni This Session. Washington, Aug. 7.- With the present EutBion of eongress drawing to a close and all attent ion likely ut any time to be concentrated upon tbe tarifif bill, it is not considerad probable that the senate will act upon either the Arizona or New Mexico state bilis before the final ailjouruinent of the sessiou. ïhis was the uuderstanding when the bilis were reported from the committee on territories and nothing has transpirad since the reports were made to alter the situation ín this respect. The date of admisMon in the case of Arizona and of the constitution convention in the case of New Mexico bas been so deferred in the senate bill as reported as to render this deferment possible without rendering a change in the text of the bill necessary in case of the postponement. The provisión in the Arizona bill is for admisión on the lst of August, 1895, while the conveution provided for in tbe New Mexico bill is not to me-tt until July of 1895. Theie is a possibility of the change of the form of the Arizona bill. As it stands it provides directly for admission instead of being n enabliug act, as in the case of New Mexico. Governor Hughes of Arizona, who was here in the interest of admissiou, gives it as bis opiuion that the bill will have to be chauged so as to provide for a new coustitution before it can pass the senate. This opinión he bases upon the opposition he finds to exist in tbe benate to the constitution adopted in 1891 on account of the irrigation and silver payment features of that document. Delégate Joseph of New Mexico does not expect the senate to act upon the bill for tbe admissiou of that territory this session unless the deadlock should opérate to proloug the session unexpectedly. He has no doubt that it will pass early next tession, however, and says that its practical effect will be the same. Great Hicycle lïclay Raoe. Washington, Aug. 7.- Promptly with the fall of the big black time ball on the Btate, war and uavy building at noon Chief Consul George B. Frenen and Ronsaville oL tbe District of Columbia división of the L. A. W. started from the White House on the great bicycle relay race from Washington to Denver, to be run in conjunction with the forthcoming L. A. W. meet at Denver. The two wueelmen bore a letter from Private Secretary Thurber to Governor Waite which is to be pasted from bicyclist to bicyclist.


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