Frank Kearney is visiting at Flint. H. P. Shanks is at Cavanaugh lake. Mr. Burke, returned last week to Detroit. Collector Schmid was in the city, Saturday. Edward Duffy was in Detroit, Saturday. Mrs. George Bliss is visiting in Marshall. Torn Kearney has returned from Zukey Lake. Dr. Wessinger has returned from a visit at Howell. Alonzo Davis and wife have returned to Dexter. Editor Osband, of the Ypsilantian, was in the city, Friday. Harry E. Pond is visiting at the home of his grand. parents at Flint. A. Davenport, of York, was a business visitor in Ann Arbor, Saturday. Prof. A. S. Houghton returned Saturday from a bicycle trip to Adrián. Wm. Wedemeyer, has returned from a three weeks' visit in Kalamazoo. Prof. Henry S. Carhart and daughter, Margaret, are at Bay View for a few days. Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Geddes, spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. A. Ë. Mummery. K.ev. Henry Tatlock and family are enjoying the recreative influence oí Oíd Mission. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Green have. returned frora their pleasant outing at Strawberry lake. Miss Charlotta Grace Brooks, Detroit is the guest of Mrs. E. Hample, Miller avenue. Mrs. D. Westphal, of Green Oak, was last week a guest of her sister, Mrs. Hattie Stewart. Miss Mattie Hues is visiting in Muncie, and will visit Saginaw before returning home. Dr. W. H. Dorrance, who is passing the summer in the east, is reported' to be very ill. Miss Hattie Steward is spending the week at Island lake, visiting friends and relatives. Chas. Wagner returned Saturday morning from a prolonged summer stay at Wequetonsing. Squire Pond was in Detroit, urday, and justice sat in his vacant seat, covered with flies. Andrew Gibson returned Satur-l day from a four days' trip to Holty and Flint, on legal business. Mrs. Rosa Flinn, of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Mummery, on West Hurón street. Prof. P. F. Trowbridge arrived last week from Kalamazoo. He wlll be instructor in Chemistry. Samuel Mummery, Chas. Cleaver, George Heath and Frank Heath are spending the week at Portage lake. Mr. A. J. Sullivan, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent Sunday in Ann Arbor the guest of Mrs. E. Hample, Miller avenue. Austin S. McGuire, IJ. D. b., ot Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGuire, of North Main street. Mr. J. A. Coower, who has been spending the last four months in Ann Arbor, passed a few days in Grand Rapids last week. Ben Atkinson, of Delaware, a recent visitor in Ann Arbor, is camping at Base lake. Bert Schumacher will be his companion this week. A. F. Spring, manager of the Western Bank of- of - Penetuneguishene - yes, that's it - , Ont., is visiting his mother on W. Washington St. A party complimentary to Mrs. Otto Klotz, sister of Prof. Kempf, was given at his residence, Friday evening. Mrs. Klotz resides in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schumaker's youngest son, when dressed liked "Champion" Two-Round Kellar weighs 10 pounds, W. Liberty street. P. S. He could whip Keiler. Mrs. H. A. Steele, and Mrs. Frank Heaton and daughter, Blanche, of Jackson, and Miss Pen■ dleton, were last week guests of Mrs. F. J. Lewis of S. Fifth street Percy Evens and Karl E. Harriman started Saturday on foot, íeaded for Detroit. They went provided with a supply of Coxey Army Songs and unless torn by dogs or shot by citizens along the roads will reach Detroit by forced marches n September or so.