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T. & A. A. Bulletin

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For the following meetings the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will make special reduced rates: One fare for the round trip - For the Farmers'Picnic at Whitmore Lake, Saturday, Aug. sth, tickets to be sold Aug. 25, from points within a radiusof fifty miles, limited to day of sale. For the Michigan State Sunday School Ass'n rallies, at - South Haven, Aug. 15. Ithaca, Aug. 21. v Tbree Rivers, Aug. 22. Howell, Aug. 22. Orchard Lake, Aug. 22. Centerville, Aug. 22. Kalamazoo, Aug. 23. Jackson, Aug. 30. Detroit, Aug. 30. Hastings, Aug. 31. Charlotte, Oct. 5. Tickets to be sold for the day of meeting from points within a radius of fifty miles, limited to day of sale. One and One-third fare for the round trin - For the Odd Fellows' meeting at Charlotte, Aug. 2oth to 23a, tickets to be sold Aug. 20U1 to 22d, inclusive, limited to Aug. 23d, 1894. For the camp meeting for Hackley Park, July 19 to Aug. 24, tickets to be sold to Lake Harbor (near Muskegon) with 30 cents arbitrary added, on Aug. 2d to 4th, inclusive, Aug. 7'th and 9H1, Aug. 13 and 14, Aug. 2oth and 2ist, limited to return to Aug. 25Ü1, '94. For the camp meeting at Haslett Park, July 25th to Aug. 3oth. Tickets to be sold each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, limited to return to Sept. i7th, 1894. For the camp meeting at Vicksburg, Mich., tickets to be sold Aug. 10 and 11 and each Tuesday and Friday thereafter until Aug. 3ist, return limit Sept. 3d, 1894. For the Fifth Michigan Volunteer Infantry Ass'n meeting at Elsie Aug. 20th, tickets to be sold Aug 28 and 9 trom points within a raciius or [oo miles, limited to Aug. 30, '94. For the Romeo Races, Aug. 15 to 1 7th, inclusive, tickets to be sold ;ach day from points within a radius af 50 miles, limited to Aug. 18, '94. For the Lansing races, Aug. 20 to 24th, inclusive, tickets to be sold each day from points within a radius of 100 miles of Lansing, limited to return to August 25, '94. For the Germán Workingman's Aid Society to be held at Grand Rapids, Aug. 20, tickets to be sold Aug. 19 and 20, limited to Aug. 21, 1894. For the Devils Lake camp meeting, Aug. 3 to 20, tickets to be sold Tuesday and Friday each week from Aug. 3 to 20th, inclusive, limited to Aug. 22nd, '94. Agent.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News