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The Business Outlook

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New Yokk, Ana. 4.- Bradstreet'8 says: While little sigoiflcance is attached to the moderate ituproveinent in trade at San Francisco, Pittsburf.', B.dtimore, Augusta and Atlitnta, wtien it is dded that clearing house tot als for July report tweuty-nine cities with l.'.rser gsregates than in .Hl y l.istyear. contrasted with the June report, wbicli contaiued only eighteen cities with afigregates larger than those iuJuiieayenr ago, it is perceived that tliere are iufiiieuces at work at the interior Javoring n iuerease in the volume of busiuess. Wool remains steady at last week's 1 cent advance, speculation havlaa been stimulated by differences of ip.nion as to the tariff ontlook for that .tapie. Wheat has advanced in sympathy with corn on increased orders and reports of erop damages from abroad, wliile corn's sharp advance is due partly to exaggerated notions of damage from drought. The Coro Crop. There is little likelihood of tbe corncrop being smaller thau in either of the two preceding years, notwithstanding our advices of 25 per cent, damagein Kansas and 40 per cent. iu Nebraska. Southern crop prospecta generally are excellent. Improvement aunouuced in general trade at San Francisco is iu part basfcd on interest ruanifested in the war in Asia, provisión dealers particularly anticlpating largely increased trad.j. War hetween China and Japan bas not affected tbe price of tea berè yet, although au increstd demand is noted iu New York, Bostou and at Chicago. Whent exporta, United States aud Cauda, uoth eoHsts, six dys endiug with Auir. 3, amouut 2 9T?.ü;)0 busbels, against 8,8S8,tCk) busiiels lust week, as conip ued witu 5,ö:22,0OO busliels in tbe week oue year ugo, 0,9'iti.OOO bushels two years ago, 4,030,000 busbels tbiee years ago, and witb 2,106,000 busbels tour years ago. Shipnieiite of IVheat. San FraucifCo wires that two wheat cargoes have been shipped to the United Kiugúom this week afier the long cessation of such experts. Boston report all lines of tapie mercliandise very quiet, cottou selling at concessiont. Added interest in wool luis characterized the Philadelphia ks well as the Boston market. Slight mcrertses in the de mand in nearly all leadiug lines are rtported from Pittsburg and at Baltimoie jobber iu dry goods, notions, hate, and shoes report business more encouraging. Business continúes quiet at Montreal, Wholesale merebants doing almost nothing in the way of uew busimss, but erop prospects are good.


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