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"HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH INTERESTING TO TOURISTS ANO STUDENTS. The late Alexander Wlnchell, Professor of Geology and Paheontoloarv in the Univer:ty )f Michigan, shortly before his death took a trip to Montana, and was so delighted with w it je experienced that he wrote F. I. Whitney. G. P. & T. A., of the Great Northern y, ?t. Paul, Minn., a lengthy letter from Ann'Arbor, in which he testified his pleasure, and IV .ai ivhich we quote: "1 have just returned from the magnificent tour deviaed and oonducted under your auspiees, and l wish first to thank you for the courueses extended to me per-sonally, and then lo transmit an aeclamation of thunk.s from tne entire party. Nothing more delighttul, mure impressive or more memorable, could be plauned- this was the oft repeated exciMmation which I heard on every day of the tour. I shall mate much ue of the observations and exeeriences of the trip, both in my lectures and in print, and I shall be very happy to inorease interest in the rejnons traversed by your Unes. Ño new part of America offers so mu :h to students, artists health-seeners und tourlsts." It was the intention of Prof. WJnchell to have made another visit to Montana, havlng baRome much interested in the marveloua opportunities f r reologioa! study otfereo by the upheavals in the Belt Mountains anrt other outlvinK ranses in the vicinity of Grsat Falls, which ranges alsoreveal abundant remains of ancient animal life. Followins the visit of Prof. Winchell, Prof. Scott and a party frotn Print-efon College went out and found the bones, in mauv cases well preserved. of noiesê th-in forty differeut sorts of huie and grotesque animáis that existed in the oden aíes of life on the globe. Many varieties of flshes anrt other forms of early marine life w-re álso found buried ia th3 ellffa. It wa a picnic for the scientiflc men who nctonly learned much more thaa they expected, but who enjoyed with keen relish the splendid mountain scenery and exhiierating ïir, and managed also to catch rlne strlnga of fish. commoa now in the rivers and streams, and bag, too, not a little game.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News