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OFKH'IAL.1 COLNCH, CRAMBEK. I Ann ArW, Michigan, AuLUbt 6, 189. I Regular session. Callea to order by President Wines. Roll called.- Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Ferguson. Journal of the last session was approved. COSlMUNICATlONS. To the Common Council City of Ann Arbnr, ilich. Genil.uicn: - I liave been informed Ui at a fttdewHlfc is ordtred to be built on the ouili iMiln of HUI t.. between Tappan and Thayf-r S:k.. in front oflotB I and 24 in Tappen Park. fc the agent of the owuer of lilis larui I requcst ynu to cancel tliis order, on the ground Umi this walk is not needed, as may be : c mlily seen by golng upon the grouud. I expect 10 build n walk on Tappan 8t., In front nflots 1 2 and 8, inTappan Park.where no wak is ordered, but needed tn accommodat travel, and to hring said walk round on lo Hill St., lo meet a cross walk on the east eiüeof iDgallsSt. Respectfully. J B. DAVIS, Agent. Aid. Manly moved that the Street Comuiissioner cause said walks to be i jmilt as ordered by this Council. Adopted. FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. AM Akhdk. MÉh., Ang. 6, 1Í9J. To Ihf, Honorable the Cummua Council o the City of Ann Arbnr: Gentlemen- I hereby respectiully tender my reslgnation as City Attoiney. The attenion demand by other duties that I have assumed renders it necessary that I resign the office that I hold under the city governmeut. Thanking you one and all for the uniform kmilness and courtesy that has been extended me, and requesting the iramedlate acceptauce of my resignation. I remain. Very truly, T. A. B0QLE. Beceived and liled. FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council : Gentlemen.- The Board of Public Works, tp wbom was referred the matter of surtace drainage on East University avenue, would report that the Board causea the City Engineer to make profiles of street center and glitters on parts of Church and Willard streets and East ('iiiversity avenue, which profiles and report of the estimated cost, for grading said street of the city Engineer is hereby respectfully submitted as a part of this report. Respectfully submitted, W. J., Clerk. ANN ARBOK, Aug. 1, 1894. To the Board of Public Works: I herewith subrait the profiles of street center and glitters on parts of Church, Willard, and E. University avenue relative to the surface drainage of University avenue at the head of Monroe street. There is abont 2,200 yards of earth to be moved and I think that an appropriation of $450 will be sufticient to put the street mentioned in proper condition. Respectfully. Ueo. F. Key, City Eng. Referred to the cominittee on streets. PKESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Of Ernest Rehberg and sixteen others, on the Broadway lateral sewei district, asking for a sewer to be ordered eonstructed, from the intersection of the main sewer on Eroadway and Wall street, extending northeasterly to point as located on sewer map. Referred to Committee on sewers. A petition signed by Mrs. Emma Otis, asking the Council not to order a walk bnilt along her property on the south side of Benjamin street. Referred to the Committee on Sidewalk. A petition signed by Mrs. Martha E. Wells and fifteen other residents and property owners of the Sixth ward, asking the council to order the City Engineer to modify the proposed sidewalk grade on South State street along the east side, from Monroe to Hill street. Referred to the Board of Public Works. FROM THE SEWER COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sewers to whom was, referred the report of City Engineer, relative to the conslruction of a lateral sewer on, and alón? Liberty street, beg leave to submit the following report : We have gone over and iuspected the route of the proposed lateral, and the lateral sewer district indicated in such report of the City Engineer and have heard all ■ ersonsappearing and desiring to be heard In relation to the matter, and we are of the opinión that a lateral sewer on Liberty street east from the main sewer is a necessary public improvement and that the same ougbt to be coustructed, commencing at the main sewer and running easterly along Liberty street to the west line of the lol fronting on State street. We have also duly considered the estlmates of the City Engineer tor the construction of such proposed improvement. and approve the same. We also approve the boundaries of the lateral sewer district indicated in such report. Your committee would therefore recommend that the said lateral sewer be ordered constructed, and herewith submit the necessary resolution and order therefor. All of which ík respectfully submitted. Arthur J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, Fkank Wood, Christ. Martin, P. L. Bodmer, H. J. Bsown, Sewer Committee. Accepted, and leave being granted the following resolution was offered : LATERAL SEWER DISTRICT. Resolution and order for the construction of a lateral sewer in and along Liberty street easterly from the main sewer, By Alderman Kitson: Resolved, That the construction of a lateral sewer in and along Liberty street easterly from the main sewer is deemed and heieby declared to be a necessary public improvement. Therefore, the Board of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to cause such lateral sewer to be constructed according to the ordinauce in such case made and provided. Resolved further, That the district to be assessed aud charged with the cost and expense of such lateral sewer, be and the same is hereby determined and lixed as follows : AH lands lóts and parts of lots contained in the following list. the said lands, lots and parts of lots being all the constituent parts of such district or territory which may and shall berightfully conneeted with the Liberty street lateral sewer east of the main sewer laid out in and upon the streets or allies on which the lauds, lots and parts of lots embraced in said list have a írontage. These lands, lots and parts of lots beiug marked on the map of Sewer District No. I, on file in the Engineer's office. To-wit: Block 2, s. range 1 e. Allmendiuger & Schnidcr. marked B. Mack & Schmid, marked C. Block 9, s. range i e. Rosina Haebnle, n. 44 ft. of lot 2. John C. Schmid, lot 8 and s. 22 ft. of lot 2. ChristianWetzel, lot 4. Ësther Schumacher, lot 5. Block 3, s. range 2 e. Adam Dieterle. w. ]4 of lotsl and 2. Christian Schlenker, e. 'A of lots 1 and 2 and lot 11. Louisa Visel, lot 4. H. C. Apfel, lot 5. Agnes Wahr, lot 6. Mary Matthews, lot 7. Amelia Gwinner, lot 8. C. Gauss, s. e. 44 by 66 ft. of lot 9. C. Schumacher, e. 'A of lot 10, and n. e. 22 by 86 ft. of lot 9. Miss L. Hoffstetter, w, H of lots 9 nnd 10. Block 2. e. range 3 e. John Berger, yisrt of lot 4. mnrked T. Johu I nd i.xnarked E. ■ Anton Sehaeberle, part of lots 3 and 4. ! inarked F. J. M. .Schaeberle, part of lots 3 p.ud4 marked G. Cbas. Binder, part oí lots 3 and 4, marked H. Ma-,k fcSenmid.s. 46 ft. of lot 5. Block 3, range 8 e. ('. Gaus?. w. 40 ft. of lot 1. Walker fc Jo., 62 ft. in centre of lot 1 and w. 102 ft. of lot 2. John Haiirer. e. 22 ft. of lotg 1 and 2. hnstian (irossman. beirs, lot 3. Fred W&gner. lot 4 aud n. of lot 5. Cbristian Spaeth.s. '2 of lot 5, and n. 17 it. of lot ti. Fred Helbcr, n. JÍ of lot 7 and s. Uof lot 6. Gruner, Cueever A Treadwell. e 21 ft. of lot 7 and s. % of lot 6, and also lot 10 and s. 11 ft. of lot 11. Leiira and Persis Willard, n. 55 ft. of lot 1). Block 3, 6. range 3 e. .lohn Kupp. lots 12 and 18. Mr. Ï-.T. Cook.s.21 ft. 'iA in. of lot 14. (.(. Sorg. middle 22 ft. of lot 14. Jobu Sichumacher, estáte, n. 22 ft. 4J4 in. of lot 14. Stephen Pratt. lot 15. Wm. April. e. 104 ft. of lot 16. Sid W. Millard. W. 20 ft. of lot 16. Bloek2 s. range 4 e. Chas. Spoor, n. 22 ft. of lot 4. i .John Goetz, Sr., middle 22 ft. of lot 4. George'Seisser, estáte, s. 22 ft. of lot 4. Win. Goetz, w. 2(1 ft. of lot 5. Michael Brown. e. 44 ft. of w. 64 ft. of lot 5 j F. C. Kupp. w. 20 ft. of e. 60 ft. of lot 5. Lewis Fritz. Jr., w. 20 ft. of e, 40 ft. of lot 5. W m. Pardon, e. 20 ft. of lot 5. Bloek 3. e. range 4 e. Henry Binder, n. 24 ft. of w. 122 ft. of lot 1. Chnslian Weibrecht, s. 24 ft. of n. 48 ft. of w. 122 ft. of lot 1. Jacob Laubengayer, s. 18 ft. of w. 132 ft. of lot J.n. 2 ft. of lot 2. and w. 44 ft. of lot 16. Geo. W. Moore, middle 22 ft. of lot 2. Andrew Meuhlig. s. 22 ft. of lot 2. Marv Rlchmond. lot 3. Mack & Schmid, lot 4. Anna M. Broes, n. 44 ft. of lot 5. Frederick Bross, s. 22 ft. of lot 5. Angust Sehneider, s. 46 ft. of lot 6. John Wagner, s. 24 ft. of lot 6, and tbe n. 24 ft. of lot 7. John Liodenschmidt, s. 22 ft. of lot 7. Louisa Behr, lot 10. Wm. H. Freeman, lots 11 and 12. Block 3. s. range 4 e. E. J. Johnson, estáte, lot 13. J. G. Norton, lot 14. John Allen, lot 15. C. B. Dieterle, e 88 ft. of lot 16. Block 2, s. range 6 e. Abraham Hawkins, estáte, lot i. J. G. Koch. w. 'A of lot 5. Jobn Koch, e. U of lot 5. Block 3. s. range 5 e. Old Jall Square. Christian Mack, lots 2 and 3. Wm. McCreery, lot 1, and s. 14 of s. v. % of Old Jail Square. Mary Conover, lot 6. Sarah and Mable Fletcher, lots 7. Chas. S. Millen, lot 8, and s. 22 ft. of s. l2 of s. e. %, of Old Jail Square. Catherine Beuedict, n. }L of s. e. i of Old Jail Square. John Feiuer, n. ]2 of s. w. y of Old Jail Square, ïm. W. Watts. s. 44 ft. of n. w. of Old Jail Square, excent e 6 ft M. C. Peterson, n. w. % of Old Jail Square, except e. 6 ft. Caroline Martiu, n. 44 ft. n. e. H of Old Jail Square, except e. 6 ft. George W. Moore. middle 44 ft. of n. e. ;4 of Old Jail Square, except w.6 ft. Zoraida Thompson, s. 44 ft. of n. e. J4 of Old Jail Square, except w. 6 ft. Block 2, s. range 6 e. J. i). Heinrich, estáte. n. 33 ft. of lots 2 and 16. Robt. Pnce. estáte, s. V% of lots 2 and 16. Emanuel Spring, s. 33 it. of n. y2 of lots 2 and 16. Wm. F. Stimson, lot 14. L. D. James, w. 60 ft. of lot 13. Siegfried Koscnthaler, lot 12, and e. 6 ft. of lot 18. Josepb C. Watts, w. 45 ft. of lot 11. Carlos Hill, e. 21 ft. of s. 126 ft. of lot 11. w. 33 ft. of s. 126 ft. of lot 10. Germán Methodist Church e. 33 ft. of lot 10, and all of lot 9 excepting the uorth 6 ft. thereof. Block 3. s Bange 6, e. Mary Foster. n. w. 14 of lot 1. J. F. Schuh, s. w. !4 of lot ; . Emannel Lulck. w. 66ft. of e. half of lot -1. O.M. Martin, w. 6üft. of lot lande.66ft.of N. U of lot 2 CarlKominger, w. 198 ft of n. y of lot 2. R. K. A i les, s. ]4 of lot 2. Mary Fischer, estáte, n. i of lot 3. K. A. Beal, estáte, s. ]A of lot 3. Block 2. s. Range 6 e. Elizabeth Hyde, e. 165 ft. of w.231 ft. of s. y2 of lot 6. Presbyterlan Parsonage, w. 231 ft. of n. y2 of lot 6. A. L. Noble, w, 231 ft. of S. 82 y2 of lot 7 except 16 ft. 6 in. n. & w., n. w. corner thereof and the e. 99 ft. of w. 2-31 ft . of n. 49 ft. 6 In. of lot 7, and the e 99 ft. of the s. 16 ft. 6 in. of w. :3lft.of lot 8. Chas. Fantle. w, 66 ft. of lot 8 and w. 66 ft. of N. 14 of lot 7. A. A Terry, e. 66 ft. of W. 132 ft. of N. 49 ft. 6 in. of lot 7 and e. 66 ft. of w. 132 ft. of lot 8. D. F. Schairer, e. 99 ft. of w. 231 ft. of N. 115 ft. 6 in. of lot 8. Block 2 s. Range 7, e. MaithaSrnitli, e. half of lot 3. M. L. White, w. half of lot 3. W. H. Jackson, lot 4. Block 3, s. Kange7, e. V. H. Adams, apiece of land lying directly north of lots 1 and 14. A. D. Seyler, etate, a piece of land lying directly north of lot 14. Geo. Clarken, lots 1 and 14. Charlotte Hill, lots 2 and 13 exeepting a piece of land in the n. e. corner of lot 13. E. S. Dunster, lots 3 and 12. N. A. Reeves, 41 ft. 3 in. n. and s. 57 ft. 9 in. e. and w. lu the n. e. corner of lot 13. Kendall Kltridge, estáte, lots 4 and 11. Selllck Wood, lots 6 and 10 and n. 16 ft. 6 ín. of lot 6 and n. 16 ft. 6 in of w. 72 ft. of lot 9. Geo. L. Moore, lots s. 32 ft. of n. 48 ft. 6 in. of lot 6 and of w. 72 ft. of lot 9. Block 2, s. Range 8, e. J. M. Morton, lot 5. 1). M. Finley, lot 6 and w, y, of lot 7. Emeline Cheever, e, %ot Io"t7and w. 52.8 ft. of lot 8. H. S. Dean, part of lot 8 between 2 s. & 8 e. and part oi lot 3 ik 4 between 2 s. r. 7 e. marked A. Block 3, s. Range 8, e. J. R. &F. J. Miuer. lot land a piece lying north thereof also the north 36 ft. 6 in of lot 2. Frank A. Thompson, s. 29 ft. 6 in. of lot 2 and n. 18 ft. 6 In. of lot 3. Ida Lathrop, s. 47 ft. 6 in. of lot 3. Albricht Gwlnner, estáte, lot 4. Joseph Williams, Iot5. Chas. H. Worden, lot 6, Margaret Clancy, Lot 9 & s. 18 ft. of lot 1' . Ly dia Thompson, n, 48 ft. of lot 10. O. L. Matthews, lot 11 & s. 8 ft of lot 12. Bridget Ryan, n. 58 ft. of lot 12. Martha Granger, s. 45 fc. of w. y of lot 13 and s. óOft of e. y2 of lot 13. Block 3, s. Range 8, e. Fred Marken, e. y, of lots 13 & 14 excepting s. 50(t. of e. half of lot :3. Mrs. N. Booth, w. $ of lot 14 and n. 22ft. of w. U of lot 13. Block 2, s. Range 9, e. VellingtonTate,partof lots 3 & 4 marked A. Patrick O'Brien, e.ölft.ö in. of lot 3 & 4. Block 8, 8. Range 9, e. CA. Sager, lot 2. Alta Stewarl, lots 3 & 4. (Susan A. Hardy, n. 52lt. of lot 5. R. A. Beal estáte, lot 6. School of Mnsic, lot 7. E. Torn. Nickels, lot 8. John Nickels. n. 49ft. 6 in. of lot 9. Accepted and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas - Aid. Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder.Manly, Taylor, Kitson Trettyman, Wood, Tres. Wines- 11. Nays- None. ORDINANCES. The second reading by sections of "An Ordinance Kelative to the Licensing of Dogs; and Regulating the Running at Large and the Slaying of Dogs." The second reading by sections of "An Ordinance for the Protection oí Squirrels and Birds within the Limits of the City of Ann Arbor." REPORTS OF STANDING COM.MITTEES FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your Oommittee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the f ollowing bilis under consideration and recommend their allowance and warrants ordered drawn at sums stated. CONTINGENT ÏTÏND. W.J. Miller, 1 month'8 salary I 66 66 r. A.Botrle. " " 25 00 A p. O'Hearn, " " R 34 I (ieo. H. Pond. ■ ' 8 83 . Marvin DaY6uport, jtiniror salarv 6 2 . .lohn K. Miner. oí'mrii of review two ( days reviewing ceusüs list 4 CKi Eugene Oesterlhi. " " " " 4 00 1 Jacob J. Fiseher, " 4 ot" J Geo. H. Pond, " 4 00 ] Thomas Speeehly, ' " i W ] Evart H. Scott, " " ' ' 4 00 Mis. Kuhn, cleaniog offices 3 30 Dr. W. F. Breakey, 3 months' ealary. City Pbysician 25 00 Ann Arbor Gas Company, 6 montn6' gaÊbihs 144 30 . Telephcne & Telegraph Con. Co., 3 ! months' TcDtitl of 7 telephones 4175 Ferguson Caí t & Carriage Company, wagonette 125 00 Miss Duiheim, typiwritint for Mr. Norris 7 50 ' T. A. Bogel, expenses to Lansing.Micb 8 10 I E.H Non , services before Kailroad Com. aicl expensee 58 10 Breyrus d Bros. Awning and Tent ■' Company. flat? 7 20 ', Sid V. Millard, order books 15 00 Ann Arbor Steam Carpet Beating Works, cleaning councii room carpet '5 00! W. J. Miller, postage stamps and exprees charges 2 25 , Postal Telegraph-CableCo.. telegrams toLanaing 174 Clav A. Greene. rent... 29 17 E. B. Preston & Co., 6naps for wazou! ette 5 00 Henry Wilmot, posting tax notiees... 1 0 .Joseph A. Polhemus, team and wagonette 4 00 Robi6on & Co., iie of' team and surrey Vi 50 Harry Ruhst,!, buryingdog "" 1). G. Gates. ' SO C. K. Dugdaie, " 50 Total $ 71100 SEWÍ.U FUND. Nelson Sutherland. salary $ 33 33 ' Frederick Kadke, labor 1 50 ; Charles Glasser, labor 3 00 Joseph Glasser, labor ... 1 80 Willis Clark, labor 7 05 Frank Sutherland, labor 30 0 ! Albert Sehoemin. labor 15 40 ] CharleB Stevens, labor 3 00 Jacob Michelfelder, labor i 00 I Barney Morrison, labor.. 7 50 Kembert labor 23 40 George Fisher, labor 14 55 FredNordman, labor 2 25 Patrick Reed, labor 2 25 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, account6 assigned them as follows: George Lavere, labor Ï4 25 Fred tjlrich, labor 1 50 5 75 State Savings Bank. accounts assigned them as follows: Charles Stevens, labor $24 65 Harry O'Gr&dy, labor 4 50 29 15 George F. Key, salary 1TO 00 Mortímer G Barnes, ass'tengineer... 55 00 Charles H. Spencer, office work eng... 2 75 George W Sweet, cement 185 McCullough Bros., repairs 1 50 Miller & Son, repairing pum, 1 U0 F. C. Scott, cement 67 Antón Teufel, two straps 75 Ann Arbor Engine and Boiler Works, manhole, etc 16 15 John Cogger, iüspecrlng main sewer.. 39 60 Total $ 332 00 STREET FUND. Nelson Sntherland, salary $ :■ 33 Fred Hadke, labor 13 50 Jacob Kiee. labor 12 00 Martin Adamschank, labor.. 15 97 Valentine Alger. labor :i 00 Antón Otto, labor. 3 00 Gottlieb Fenkbeinor. labor 150 William Kretlow. labor 1 5i M. Craodal, labor 195 August Herrmann, labor 150 Gottlieb Schuon, labor 8 0 ' George Lavure, labor 1 50 Christian Jetter. labor.. !t i5 Kudolph Kreselbaugh, labor 150 William Darrow, labor 12 22 Charles Glaser.labor 1 50 Joseph Glaeer, labor 3 00 Willis Clark, foreman 38 72 Gustave Walters, labor 12 0o Frank Sutherland, labor 10 05 Patrick McCabe, labor 12 00 Miehael Williams, labor 14 02 Rembert Jones, labor 3 00 Albert Schoemin, labor 6 00 PeterCarey, labor 4 50 The Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Clinton J. Snyder. team labor. $12 00 A bram Tice, labor 7 50 James wilson, labor 1 50 21 00 The State Savings Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: L. Hughes, labor ?3 00 Harry O'Grady, labor 4 65 7 65 Charles Schrepper, labor 4 50 George Nixon, team labor 6 00 P. D. Kogers, team labor 13 50 Martin labor 8 70 Richard Bürns, team labor 19 50 Frank Howard. team labor 3 00 William Wheeler, horse and cart 14 62 James Smalley, eartage 2 55 Jesse L. Smith, eartage 75 Koch Bros.. S61oads gravel 17 20 James Donegan, blacksmithing 4 20 Esslinger Bros., blacksmithing.-l 8 65 Martin Nagle, team labor 12 30 Eiifiineering News, one year's subscription 5 60 Total 8 367 53 BRIDGE, CULVEHT AND CROSSWAI-K FUND. Anu Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assigned them as follows. Chas. Stevens, labor 8 1 50 Barney Langler, labor 7 50 Frank Philps, labor 1 50 Albert Marsh, labor 12 75 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank.. 8 23 25 $ 23 25 The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Hiram Kitredge, 4 loads pavingstone 8 3 00 John Burns. labor 6 00 Geo. Lavere, labor 9 00 Barney Morrison, labor 15 75 Total 8 33 75 $ 33 75 State Savings Bank, account assigned them as follows: Miehael Schneider, labor .... $ 6 00 C M. Stoup, labor 7 50 August Molkenthine, labor. . 10 50 Elmcr Thomas, labor 3 00 Charles Schrepper, labor 3 00 Wm. Campion, labor: 2 25 Edward Robiuson, labor 5 25 Patrick Reed, labor 3 00 Gotlieb Waltere, labor 9 00 Total 8 49 50 8 49 50 C. Schrepper, labor 3 00 Albert Schoemin, labor 18 00 Víctor Strong, labor. 3 00 Edward Robinson. labor 7 00 Fred Ulrich, labor 14 25 Richard Zebbs, labor 3.00 Emil Golz, account6 assigned hím, as follows: Robt. LeODard, labor 2 25 Charles Leonard, labor 2 25 Geo. Flowers, labor 3 00 Total 7 50 7 50 Miehael Wjlliams, labor. 12 75 Patrick McCabe, labor 6 52 Gustav Walters, labor 11 25 Joseph Glaser, labor 1 50 Chas. Glaser.labor 21 97 Charles Stierle, labor 9 00 William Kuehn, labor 19 50 Miehael Kenny, labor 7 95 John Johnke, labor... 1 50 Mat. Lueppold, labor 12 52 Frank Schultz, labor 150 Osear Schrader, labor 7 50 Ernest Gutekunst, labor 12 52 Herman Scheve, labor 6 00 Antón Spies, labor 5 26 Challes Hintz, labor 9 00 Miehael Hersy, team-labor 12 00 John Holk, labor i 50 Albert Glassnap, labor 9 00 .Toe. Hutzel, labor. 19 95 Martin Nagle, pavin? stone 4 50 Antón Spies, labor 7 50 Albert Steffln, labor 1 50 Frederick Radtke, labor n 25 William Darrow, labor 7 50 Hiram Kittredge, team labor 3 00 E. R. White, team labor i 35 Koch Bros., building Fountain Street culvert 258 00 George V. Sweet, 19bls cement 57 00 James Tolbert, lumber 77 61 S. Wood Si Co., lumber 27 86 P. L, Bodmer, lumber 69 17 Total t 880 17 FIKE DEPARTMENT FUKD Fred Sipley, salary $ 60 00 C. A. Edward6, salary 50 00 Henry Mcl-aren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary 45 00 Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Samuel McLaren, salary, 8 00 Wm. Rettich, salary 8 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 8 00 I William L. Schnierle. ealary 8 00 , M X". Kyau, saiary 8 00 ■ Art-. I'.. lit-HOo, wasbing 5 00 Antón Teufel. narness supplies 2 15 Keo. R. Keiley, oats 2 SO American Fire Engine Co., pupplles .- 2 10 Dr. J A. Dell' professional services... 12 00 Fred Sipley, freight charges 33 E. B. Preston & Co„ lbale Waete B 71 P. Duti'y, oats - -ti Té Total ( 495 52 ! PÓLICE FITKD P. S. Banficld, salary 6" 00 David Collins. salary .vi im KeubenArmbruster, saiary 60 00 William Eldert 5U (0 George Isbell 50 00 Wm. Eldert, special pólice 2 0 Fred Jolley, special pólice ti "0 Wm. Arnold, eng. hanü-cufEs i 00 S A. French, pólice supplies 2j 00 Joe. A. holbemus, horse and buggy, for Marshal.... 1 00 Chas. Blaess, horee tnd buggy, for Marshal 1 00 Total - $ 286 00 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, saiary S 10 00 J.Burg, sboes 100 tíeringer & Co., milk 1 20 Wm. Dieterle, coffln 10 00 Edward Duffy, groceries 6 St3 John EUele. groceries Vi 26 Mre. Ann Evans, aid 5 0 Goodyear &Co., medic'ne 2 25 JohnGoet.& Sou, groceries 5 05 John Goetz, Jr., groceries 7 13 William F, Lodholz, groceries 15 16 E. P, Masón, passenger to Co. House,. 75 William H.McIntyiv. groceries 17 22 O' Hará JcBoyle, groceries 11 96 Cas par Ri nsey, groceries 17 97 Klnsey & Seabolt, groceries 12 77 W. F. Stimson, groceries 4 50 Fred Sipley, paid Mrs. Gray's fare to Toledo 1 40 C. W. Vogel, meat 1 29 . harles Zurn, rneat 1 79 Total f 145 63 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund % 711 00 Sewer Fund 332 00 Street Fund 367 53 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 880 17 Fire Fund. 495 52 Pólice Fund 296 00 Poor Fund 145 3 Total t 3,227 85 Respectfully submitted, Frank Wood. ArthürJ. Kitson, C. H. Maslï, Finance Committee. SIDEWALKS. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the petition pertaining to the sidewalk grade of Washtenaw avenue in front of Mr. Coon's property be referred to the Board of Public works for further consideration. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Wagner. Bodmer, Wood, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynian, Pres. Wines- 8. f Nays - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Snycler, Brown - 4. REPORTS OF SPECIAL C0M3IITTEES. Aid. Prettyman, ühairman of special committee ou Board of Health salaries, etc., made a verbal report, stating that the eommittee had met and conferred with the Board of Health, relative to their.duties, and the committee caused the following resolution drawn, and vvhich was offered By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the salaries of the members of the Board of Health be fixed at seventy-five dollars for the president, one hundred and twentyfive dollars for the inspector and one hundred and seventy-five dollars for the health officer; and that monthly reports of the work done Xy the said Board of Health be rendered to this Council. Lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman- 5. Nays - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Manly, Taylor, Pres. Wines -7. President Wines, of special committee upon examination of the Main sewer, reported progress and asked for further time, which was granted. REPORTS FBQM CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Poor Superintendent and Chief of Polic, were read and ordered flled. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expenditures during the month of July. lst ward, $24.64; 2d ward, $16.38; 3d ward, $53.11; 4th ward, $15.70; 5th ward, 33.77; 6th ward, $5.54. Chief of Pólice Banfleld, reported iwenty-nine arrests during the month of July as follows: Drunk, 4; vagrant, 2, violating city ordinances, 18; assault and battery, 2; violating liquor law, 2; larceny, 1. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 8, 1894. To the Common Council : I hereby certify that the pressure of water on guagc at Engine House was at times stated below: MomMid- ing. Nooh. Eve. niglit. July 16 451b 70 " 17 55tb 701b 46 70 " 18 50 70 45 70 " 19 55 70 50 70 "20 55 70 70 70 "21 70 70 65 70 " 22 70 70 65 65 "23 65 70 60 70 "24 B0 70 55 70 " 26 .55 70 50 70 " -6 60 70 55 70 ' 27 60 70 45 70 "28 55 65 50 70 " 29 60 70 6j 70 "30 60 7" 55 70 "31 55 70 50 70 Aug.l 55 70 50 70 " 2 50 65 50 70 " 3 60 70 55 70 II 4 5 70 50 70 ', 5 (5 70 60 70 'I 6 60 70 Fred Sipley, Chief of Fire Department. Received and flled. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING JULY 31, 1894. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report Í19.159.07 MONEY RECEIVED. Pólice Fund- P.S.Banfleld.fees 20.40 : E. B. Pond, fines. 14.00 Contingent Fund- W. J. Millerlic... 2.50 County Treas., Liiiuor tax 148.50 $185.40 185.40 $19,344 47 MONEY DISBITRSED. Contingent Fund Í 838.59 Street ï'und 1,310.46 Firemen's Pund 561.70 Pólice Fund 261.75 Poor Fund...-. 169.58 Water Fund, - 2,818.00 Cemetery Fund 46.00 Bridge, Culvert and Cros6walk Fund 1,61.11 Sewer Fund 30.75 Soldters' Relief Fund 85.00 Total ï 7 7U9.91 7,709 91 $,634 56 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund 5,344, 55 Street Fund $l,906.l}0 Firenieu's Fuud 1,275.15 Pólice Fund 833 96 PoorFund 41861 Water Fuad 206,60 Cemetery Fund 188.78 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 1,173.63 University Hospital Aid Boud Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 144.39 Sewer Fund 1,121.34 llridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, 3.433.62 Dog Tax Fuud 10UOO Total ....'$14,310 91 2,676.25 I.ess overdrafts.. 2,676.25 11,634.56 11,634.56 City taxes collected 13,41)9.24 Total Treasurer's Balance $25,043 80 Rt'.spectf ully submltted, Geo. H. Pond, OityTreasurer. Aun Arbor, July 31. 1894. Anu Arbor Savinss Bank, ) Ann Albor, Hlcb., AugA 1894. f To the Commou Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Dear Sihs- This will certify that Geo. H. Pond has on deposit tohis credit as OityTreasurer, the eum of Tweuty-flve Thousaiid, Forty-three and 80-101 Dollars, on the 31st day of July, 1894, (25,043.80). Yours truly, MICHAEL J . FRITZ, Ass't Cashier. City Engineer Key submitted report with drawing and profile for the Wash ington street lateral sewer district No. 2, which was referred to the committee ■on sewers. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the resignation of City Attorney Thomas A. Bogle be accepted, and be it further Resolved, That in the acceptance of said resignation the city loses the services of an able and efficiënt and corteous offlcer; and be it further Resolved. That the thanks of this Council be extended to Mr. Bogle, with the assurance that our best wishes will follow hiin to his new field of labor. Adopted by a unanimous vote. MOTION8 AND RESOLFTIOXS. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the sum of $50 be appropriated out of Bridge, Culvert iind Crosswalk Fund for the purpose of building a cement crossing across Ashley street on the north side of liiberty street. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. By Al der man Wood: Resolved, That the Clerk advertise ior sealed tenders, for hard coal, for the City Building, Engine House, and what the Poor Superintendent may want for theapoor; bids to be made by the ton, and subimt the bids to this ■council at its next meeting. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the salaries of the members of the Board of Health be iixed at flfty dollars for the president, one hundred and flfty dollars for the health offlcer and one hundred dollars ior the inspector, and that monthly reports of the work done by the said Board of Health, be rendered to this Council. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Martin. Allmeiidinger, Wood. Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 11. Nays - Aid. Bodmer - 1. By Alderman Prettyman: Resolved, That permission be grant" ecl the Wolverine Cycles to use Main street, from Liberty street to the city limits, for a bicycle race. Adopted. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOS. Ann Arbor, Aug. 6, 1894. 1o the Honorable the Cornmon Council: Gentlemen- I hereby appoint (subiect to yourapproval). John W. Bennett to the office ■of City Attorney. Stoned, C. G. DARLING. Mayor. Aid. Brown moved that the appointment of John W. Bennett as City Attorney, be confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Wood, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 7. Nays - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Manly, Taylor- 5. Ann Arbor, Mieh., Aug. 6, 189. f To the Honorable President and Members of the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen- 1 bes to tender to you my resi?uationof theofttce of Justiee oí the Peace of the city of Ann Arbor. Vers' respectfuüy yours, J. W.BEnNETT. Aid Manly moved that the resignation be accepted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmeudinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Wines- 11. Nays- Aid. Martin- 1. 4 By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the sum of $25.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund, for building an addition to the sheds at the Engine House, for keeping wagonette under shelter, and enlarging straw shed. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wiues- 6. Nays- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Kitsou- 6. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the Ordinance Committee be authorized to urocure the necessary assistance for revising, cotnpiling and publishing the ordinances of the city. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Wagner: Resolved, That the resolution authorizing the repairing of the floor of the Sixth ward engine house be amended so that the kind of lumber to be used be left to the discretion of the Board of Public Works, Adopted . By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved. That the matter of sprinkhngthe streets be referred to the Water Committee. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter of locating telephone ia Fifth ward for fire and police-patrol services be left with the Aldermen of said ward, with power to act. Adopted. On motion the Council adiourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News