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11M k T TA iHTT fw A II lii O O O - ■■■ íij buying a War Pook. GUT onWhat s a complete history, written with access to the Official Records and not one consisting of brief accounts of detached events. GET one written in popular Style for the people by authors of acknowledged literaryability and not one full of military technicalities understood only by military men. GEÍT !i illustratei by artists of national reputation, who were on the spot when the events occurred. GET 32 [ages at the price others charge for 1(5 pages. GET on with pages 164 X 11 instead of much smaller. It coste no more. VnülYftifüffifTYfTtfTtftYftYmtftfttffVfttfttfttttttftfttfttfitftffmttfitfnftffiffiifiifttfftfiffffttttMinM. 1 Pfctorial History 1 of the i CIVIL WAR. f OÁ7ALRT CHASGH AT COLD HA.RBOK. Each part 32 pages Every page 16i X lli iliches. 3ver 1000 illustrations published in Harper's Weeklv durins the war. The complete text as published bj Has-per & Bros., writfcen by Altred H. Guernsey and Henry M. Alden, editora ot Harper's Monthly, assisted by Richard Graat White, President Garfield, Geü'l Joseph Johnston and others, with accei9 to the official records. illustrated )y Xast, Forbes, Eytincre and others. 26 Paris Oqly. EACH PART 10 CENTS. ) No. 2. August 21. 1894. i : - - - - - ; pllT I! Arglis 1 1 Harper's Pictorial History of the i i Civil War. I lliM WHm PART II. I i ! Thüs Coupou and. 1O cents ffi tles you to one Part. Bring or I _ -ÍV jj send to ; I; Aiji Arbor ArgUs. i : j Ana Arbor, Mici. 3L ■ : Opera House Block. S


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