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A sad and distressing accident occurred in Milán, Sunday morning between nine and ten o'clock. Mrs. Harvey Hitchcock's screams startled the neighbors f rom their Sunday quiet by cries of agony, caused by her clothing being in flames. They liad caught írom an overturned lamp and in her flight she ruslied out iu the open air and in a moment was enveloped in llames. Many went to her rescue but not before shè was burned froin her liead to her f eet. Doctors Chapin and Messic dressed the burns but the shock was too great to be survived and she died Sunday p. rn. at half-past four o'clock. She leaves a husbaml and one daughter, a loving mother and brothers and sisters. The funeral services were held at the residence, Tuesdav a. m. Rev. J. Ward Stone, officiating. The floral offerings were beautiful. Deceased was interred in the York eemetery. The Fhonographic concert underthe auspices of the B. Y. P. U., at the Baptist church, Tuesday evening, was a suecess. The selections were plaiiily heard in every part of the room. and the audience were very much pleased witn the entertainment. Mrs. Leonard is entertaining guests ithis week trom out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Hinkley entertained guests from Belleville this week. Mrs. S. Sprague, of Ann Arbor, is the guest oí her daughter, Mrs. G. K. Williams. Mrs. C. M. Fuller returned Friday from a three weeks' sojourn at Auu Arbor. Mrs. R. Wisdom left for her home in Monroe, Monday, accompanied by her children. W. H. Whitmarsh left for Chicago Wednesday morniug. Mrs. Ohapin visitéd Mooreville irieDds Monday. Free Methodist conference convened Wednesday morning with a good attendance. Milan is still buried in dust and the icitizens are crying tor rain. Miss Leo Rice is the guest of Nina Hack. Mr. Draper has a ílowing well on his plaee at West Main street. The watei flows írom the rock 130 feet beneath the surface and reaches the top as olear as crystftl tbrough a 2-incli pipe. The most striking feature about this well is tliat tlie water and gas come constantly, the gas burning so the sight is a novel one as both fire and water are coming from the same pipe at the same time. There are rnany spectators to view this wonderful wiíl o'the well. Jennie Lamkins is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mrs Eades, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. Chas. Gauntlett. Hattie Woolcott, of Ypsilanti, is the guest of her mother for a few weeks.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News