"HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLÍO ■ 7ci_ï LJI Kuaranteedtocuref.;! aer'.i::''i;i,sttcttii We;!; Memory, Loss of Brala ■r ■TL2 9L Ski JPower. Heaúacjc, Valceíiii:i'53, Manhood, NI„l:tly Erui.ssions, NervoudJg T) JSB iPW ness.aUdrainsand loc-aof p)werin GrenerativeOru'ans of elther seicaused W SJ 'J j I byoverexert-in,y-uihJ"ir. errors, eioessivensoot tobacoo.oplum orstlmr jffn i BMt ulants, which l;'ad t InUrn-tt T. "'.üUTnptton or Insanity. Cun be carried la mV!ÍL!zZr 1 'X. vest pocket. 1 per:., .t. í:.r .■, by muil prcpatd. WlthaSS order we JRArvfc. í. n@[(lvrsirrittiiit'M'.M3:"' e tur.' orrefand tHe innncy. Sold by all aBCi&itinMKtSSH&'dnwKists. Axlcforit. .t!; r. V,'rlte "í'in'nl Book sent aeak'd BUUBEA.MJ AKtEU LSOU. lnplaln wrapper. Are3iXZ.& VX!Si:JEI) t-'íí.,i'JumcTempl9,CmcAQ. ï"orsaleia Ana Arbor. Micb. brü ' BEQWrf. Druqsrtst.
Ann Arbor Argus
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