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The Blue Island Meeting

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Ihen carne the Rock Jsland men, a score of thein, who weie sworn in a body. Nine of these, however, knew nothing abouc the matter to be teBtified to- tlie meeting at Blue Islaad which declared the strike against the Rock Island railway. H. R. Sanders a yardmaster of the Rock Island, was first on the stand. "Tuere were probably 200 or 800 people at the meeting," said Sanders. "Not over a third were railroad men, and when a motion to strike was put only about fifty men voted for it." "Any sp. eches made counseling violenee?" "Yet; Howard in a speech said that if any uon-union men took our places to kill 'em witli coupliug pins." "Did you hear any vile language used?" "Howard said Pullman was a and ought te be hung and that if he had an opportunity he would like to help hang him." Sanders was not an A. R U. man and did not strike. W. D. Fuller, station agent for the Rock Island at Blue Island, said he heard Howard say they wanted to down the General Managers' association and heard him revile Pullman. G. D. Cruely, a Rock Island yardmsster at Blue Island, thought there were 400 men at the meeting, but only J20 of them railroad men. "Hownrd caused the strike down our way, with Debs helping a littie on the side," said Cruely. "Well, Mr. Cruely, how niany men voted ior the strike?" '"About forty or fifty, I suppose. " "Was a contrary ornay vote called for?" "No, sir." "If there had been do you think the motiou to strike would have been defeated?" "No, I don't think any body would have voted against it." "Why, how's thatf" "If anybody had voted against it he would have gottlirown out the winciow. l've had experience before." Frank Conroy, a huniorously inolined Bwitchman, didn't think there was much chance given at the meeting to the people opposed to Uie strike motion. "When tbe vote of those opposed to the motion was called for everybody got up, and the chairmuu shouted the motion was carried. The people got up to get out," said Frank. "Do you belong to any unionf" was asked. "I did, but I don't know whether I do dow or not. I guess I:m out. The treaurer skipped off with all the money." Arthur G. Wells, assistant to the first vioe president of the Atcbiaon, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, teatified regarding the losies oí hia road dsring the ttkrie, which were to cars and otber property Í5 - Ü3ö; loss to business (ioubtful, but proba"Líuna' The 'oss t0 the men iD wages


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