The Drummer Wilted
A group of millionaires were playing what was probably the stiffest game of poker ever played in the United States. It was at Chamberlin's, in Washington, in the winter of 1889 and 1890. The exact list of the players will never be known, bnt Senator Wolcott of Colorado and ex-Governor Hauser of Montana were in it, and Senator Farwell of Chicago was in the room. About midnight a swell drummer for a Chicago dry goods firm sent up his card to Senator Farwell. The senator went down to see him and brought him np to the room where the game was going on. He introduced him to the other phvyers. ' 'Have you any objection to nay playing?' ' asked the drummer. "Well, " said Senator Wolcott, "I have no objection, but - er - well, you see, tho game is pretty steep. " "Ha, ha!" laughed the drummer. "That is the kind of a gamel lika " Ex-Governor Hauser remarked that if he could stand it the rest of the crowd had no objection. With a wink at Senator Farwell, the drummer sat down, pulled out a "wad," peeled off a $1,000 bilĂ and said to Governor Hauser, who was dealing: "Give me some chips 1" Then he looked aronnd the table, as much as to say: "No flies on me, eh?" "Give the gentleman one white chip, "said Senator Wolcott. Governor Hauser passed over the chip without a smile and remarked: "Jack pot f or $5,000. Pnt np your money. " The drummer sat aghast for an instant; then he picked np his money and said: "Too riek for my blood!" It is cnrreutly reportad that one man
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News