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lMA###MMMfttt##AÉMOM( MoW is yoür Lather J3rUsh? For 50c we will sell you a lirush from wiick you could not pull the bristles if you wanted to and the bristles can never get loóse. We would like to shoïö you one. Calkins' Pharmacy ; :J4 South State St. ! I WEKE'S UI RIED? 3riiririated by cuiing one of the pioprietors if this medicine. It is taken internally and nres the disease by its action on the blood. It wil) pay y ou to try it. We have endorsenents from those who have used it with the noBt satisfactory results. We especially in'ïte the attention of those having used other medies without receivlng permanent bene it. Fot sale by all drufigists. Manufacturt-cl mly by Fhe Warner Catarrh Cure Co., Ann Arbor, Mlch. Beet Beer in the City at Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALD DIETZ, Prop. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE IOWEST AT OSCAft 0. SOEG THE DECORATOE, 7O S. 2VTI3Sr ST.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News