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"the Judicial Grind."

"the Judicial Grind." image
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At a short session of the circui court, held Saturday, several pris oners were set at liberty. The firs two had been handcuffed together in the strong bonds of matrimony and Judge Kinnie had the key in his pocket. He used it and Mrs Ella Stark, of Webster, was de clared free from Burr F. Stark, who by the same token is just as free, and both are probably satisfied. In the case of Edward Warner complained of by the Humane soci ety for cruelty toward a step-child the judge suspended sentence on the ground that Warner when sober was an industrious man and hac been in since his arrest sorae weeks ago. Mrs. Warner is in poor health and unable to do much for for the support of the family Warner promised if released to go a once to work and the prosecuting at torney assented to the arrangement However, should the defendant fal from grace, sentence will be visitec on hitn. A neat prospectus of the Steno graphic Institute, of Ann Arbor embracing much valuable informa tion to those interested in shorthanc has been left on our table. A fine cut of the founder, S. A. Moran and of the present principal, O. E Wagner, embellish the announce ment.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News