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$225,000 CLOTHING FAILURE THE NEW YORK CLOTHING CO. ASSIGNS TO R. P. McCARTHY, IVo. 4 Monroe Avenue, Detroit, Mili., for faC.OOO. To settle with the ereditore and by order of the court this immense stock of merchandise. consisting of $22.").(XHJ worth of clothing, hats and fiirnishing goods, will be sold withiu the next thirty clays at twenty-seven cents on the dollar. These goods are of the latest and most fashionable cuts aud of the bost matérlals. Tfiey wil] be placed on sale Tuesday, Socteniber 11 th, at No. 4 Monroe avenue, Detroit, and can be exainined at your leisure. if you are in weed of any artiele of clothiug do not dclay in visMng this great bimkrupt sale, as no snoh opportunity lias ever bcfore been offered to the people of Detroit and vicinity to lmy clothing at such sncrificiñg prlces as will lic offered at this sale. THEY ARE ASTOUNDIXG. AMAIXci AM) IXCKI0D1BLE. Mr. R. P, McCarthy, asslgnee of the Bankrupt Clothlag Co., bas been apixiij)t(d by the court to dispose of this stock, and a guarantee is gfven that every artiele is exactly as represented or money refimded. (iet in early, wateh tin opening for the most maryelous bargains ever offered In the clothing world. FoïïowlBg are a few of the many thousands of bargaius offered at tíüs great sale. Read price list and descrlprlon of goods carefully and bring this list with you for cómparison. 2,000 men's dark and light Cassinjere Suils that sold at $Ü and $7 now -going Men's fino Cheviot Suits, fonner priee $10 and $12, at this sale for $3.95. Men's extra fine all wool Saok or Cutaway Suits; plaia colora or fancy mixtures, former selling price $15, now being RlnnirlstPTetl ïrt $?.37. Men's fine Clay Worsted and Tricot, in B:ick, Régent, cutaway or Prínce Albei-1 raits. former price' f rom $20 to $28, go it this sale for $8.36 end $10.25. 1,500 raeu's heavy overeoats, former pelee $C; i:ow gotng u $1.85, .S00 iiuu's Storm Klng Ulster, former price $8, now selling at $'2.37. Men's fine Driss Ulsters, all wool Chinchilla and Beavers, former price t'rom $10 to $18, now selling f rom #4.15 to $0.75. An élegnnt line of mcn'.s fins Kerspy, ilcltctps ánu Bcaver Övercoats, worth frono $15 to $22. These beautiful aud elegnntly finished garroents are in all tbc 1:1 w stvïcs fashionable patterns aud wiiï be sacriüced at (nicquarter the cost of manufacturliig théni. Also nlwit 2,(00 boys' and cliilili-iiis overcoats in nll stylcs that foroael'ly sóld fi-cm L2.30 U $12, now goiiiK nt from 89e to .S.S.ü.". r.ien's Rood heaVy wörkmg pants, fi i uier p:ice $1.25, now go for Oüc. ?J j's ('assjnicre cSress p:ut.. former prici? ?-'rif). now go'ng for ','s'c. AS.en's tine r.ll v'i ol panis in fine ('..ssinurp ar-d fnncy wowted, formr pri' -e ?7, now Jjeiriit aaórificecl ai $227. ('hi'dicii's JCnee Pant Spits that sol;? at $2 il" it this éaie for 4i)e. 1 oys' Long Pant Nuits tbat sold at $." now svlMng for $2.15. Boys' Fine Snits in Cheviot anrt Tricot Kooils, age from 13 to 18 years. forii'"r price $9. now sellius for $4..'!.%. 3,000 Children's knee pants at 17c. 1,500 Children's knee pants, all wool Oassimere, at 49c. Men's fine stiff hats, former price $1.50, now selling for 59c. Men's fine fur stiff bats, all the latest styles, fórraeriy sold from $2 to $4, uow selling for $1.15. Men's fine soft hats, all shapea aud styles, former price from 75c to $3, now Helling at from 25c to $1-. 3,000 boys' f all caps and hats will be ulaughtered at li)c. 2,000 men's and boys' working shirts .it 17c. 1,000 nnlaundered white linen shirts ut 2!)c. 800 fine laundered dress shirts at 42c. Men's good, strong sockg, 4e per pair. Men's fine dress socks in black and light colóra, former jirice 35c, now seiling for 13c. Men's fine. strong overalls, 24c. Men's good suspendere, 9c. Men's, fancy silk web suspendere former price 50e, now sellinsi for 19e. Men's fine linen handkerehiefs, c. 2,000 Kpleudid ïipibrellas, fonner price from $1.50 to $3.50, now beiug slttaghtered .-.t from 49c to $1.25. 5.00(1 piceos inen's and boys' fal! and winter underwear in fine balbriggan, natural wool and scarlet flanue). wHl be sold at 25c on the dollar of tbe cost of tóanufacturing. 500 dozen nu n's linen collars at 5c. 500 dozen men's linen Cllffs at 9c. 200 dozen men's all wool socks, former price 50c. now going .'it 22c. 1,000 dozen men's and boys' fine neckwear in al) styles. suapes and colors, will be slaughtered at one-qnarter the manufacturer's cost. An immense line of men's fall and winter caps in fine silk piusb. and all wool cloths, will Ite closed out at 25c on the dollar. 1,000 men's Rubber Coats, warranted strictly waterproof, formerly sold at $3.50, now betris ekiuglitered ai $1.48. 750 men's elegant Macintosh Cape Coats heing closed otit at $3.S5. $4.37 and $5.50. formerly sold at $8, $10 and $14. Kemember there are 20,000 other bargains wMeh', for the want of space, oannoi be mentlonëd. A large forcé of polite salesmen have been engaged to meet the rush so that ' can be waited on promptly. ÏI1 orílf 1' N C oe out tíllS StOCfc as SOOT1 ? as possible tlie asslirree offers spoeial Inducèmenfs to ont-of-town jieopie, J oamey: Iivery customer after making purctaseof tlOwlll present tliis coo .n at tlie deslt and railwav ftire vvlil . be pald one way, but not to exceed slxty i miles dlstance f rom Detroit; ana to pur!chas rs of %W or over thelr vailway fare wlll be pak! both ways. Oon't Xorjri't the nwnibcr, 4 Monroe avenue, Detroit, Micb., next door to the Germnn-Ainericau Bank and oppcvsite tlie Soldiers' Monument. U. P. McCARTHY, Assignee. W. .7. CONNOLLY and HILBERT W. HOWARD, Manager. i ftipans Tabules : a standard remedy


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