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Stormed By Vets

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Pittsbuhg, Sept. 10.- "Comrades" and friends have been flocking into Pittsburg , in crowds and last night tbey had complete poïssession of the city. It is estimatedthat on tbe night before the , ing of the tweuty-aishth national , ment at least 100.000 visitors were here, and today's arrivals will swell the number three or four times. A copious shower feil yesterday afternoon. clearing the tmosphere and tempering the heat so nat siglitseers have had pleasant weather. :hls had the effect of crowdiug the streets o an txtent uever before witnessed in 'ittsbürft, wliich is a staid old town, and noted for its quietude oa Sunday. The saloons were closed, but other business ■was trausacted in a way whicci made the average eitízen imagine that he was away from home visitiug some other place aot po stift in the observance of the blue aws. Decoratlons Are Lavlsli and Artlstic. The universal comment of the visitor9 regardiuL' tbe decorations and display of patriotism is that at do time iu the past j at an encampiuent has Pittsburg been outdone. The display is lavish, and in the majority of cases neat and tasty. As the different visitiug posts arrived they were met by escorts detailed from the local regiments oL the National Guard, and with flying colora and bands playing taken to the placea assigued them, cheered to the echo by the throngs on the sidewalks. The work of the citizens' committee is being transacted in a soldier-hke way and theground iscovered thoroughly. Naval Veterans Revire Oíd Times. The naval veterans who have arrived are established in quarters on the river on steainers fitted up especially for their use. Old time are certainly being revived to them. for thes obterve the etrictest pline on their "ships" uud seem to be ] joying ït to tbe full. Naval discipline is j observed "aboard sbip" and tbe vets live, j as fr lis possible, juut as they did when j on active service in tbe early sixties ofl Bome beleagured city on the Atlantic 01 gulf coasts. Aidouk tbe noted arrivalt are two men from Honolulú. Tbey represent tbe full meinberehip oí the G. A. R. in Hawaii and were deterinined to be present at the last encampment wbich they will likely everenjoy. At W. R. C. Hedqurter. The Women'R Relief corps headquarters in parlor No. 3, Monongabela House, is a place of activity. As each meinber of the corps arrivés une i taken to headquarters and made to fel at home. Among the arrivals of tbis corps are: Mre. Armilla A. Cbeny, of Detroit, national treasurer; Mis. Amanda 'f. Newcomu, of Vernjont, junior vice president; Mrs. Jennie Meyerbofif, ot vaiisville, Iud., senior vice president: ''Slrs. ElizsbetU de Arcy Kinnie, ot San Prnncipoo, past natioual president; Mrs. Jul.t S Collin, of Evaut-vUle, cluti ruian of the national flag committe


Ann Arbor Argus
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