We Have Just Returned
FROM THE NEW YORK MARKET And t e Goods are arriving da:.ly in large quantities. We pjsitively wil' show you the Fine.st Line of Mei)s, Poijs ai)d Childrei)s Clothlï)g Ever brought to this city, at prices that will please the closest buyers. Having purchased our CLOTHING STOCK for SPOT CAïIT, we can and will sell you Suits and Overcoats much cheaper than our competitors. Thi i the natural result of A CASH TURCHASE, ____ ___ FÜRNISHING 600DS AND HATS Are our Great Leaders and will be sold very low. Make it your business to examine our show windows. IT WILL PAY YOU. NOBLE'S STAR CLOTHING HOUSE 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
Ann Arbor Argus
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