Democratic Representative Conventions
me uemocraiio i_onvt'uuoii lor ine iioujinationofa candÃdate for representative in the State Legislatura for the first representative district of Washtenaw County will be held at the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, Thursday, September 27, 1894-, at eleven o'cloek a' m., to wbich Conyention the townships and wards of the District will be entitled to delegates as follows, rlz: Aun Arbor City- Freedom 6 First ward 11 Lima 5 Second ward 10 Lyndon 4 Third ward 10 NorthfleJd T Fourth ward 9 Salem 6 Fifthward 4 Scio 10 Sixth ward 7 Sylvan 13 Ann ArborTown... 7 Webster 5 JDexter i Dated Ann Arbor, September 7. 1894. By order of the Committee, E. B. NORRIS, Chairmau J. F. Schdh, Secretary, Second District. The C'onvention to nomÃnate a candidate lor Kepresentative of the Seoond District of Waebtenaw County will be held at Saline village on Thurday, September 2O, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. m. The townehip and wards of the district are entitled to delegates as followa: Augusta 6 York 11 Bridgewater 6 Ypsilanti town 7 Lodi 7 Ypsilanti city.- Manchester 12 lst ward 8 Pittsfleld 6 2d ward (i Saline 9 3dward 7 Superior 6 4th ward 5 Sliaron 5 5th ward 7 By order of District Committee.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News